Flu Shot Only 18% Effective? Passing Grade?


Think outside the mind
Well, almost everyone has observed the push for flu shots. What just used to be a casual recommendation from the doctor is now in every grocery store and drug store in America with huge advertising campaigns pushing you to protect yourself. Employers have even begun to require employees to get flu shots as a condition of their employment. We are only a hop, skip, and a jump away from required flu shots in schools. And yet, the CDC has publicly acknowledged that for the second year in a row, the flu shot has failed miserably, fostering only a paltry 18% rate of effectiveness. That’s 18%. Think of it in school terms. 60% is a passing grade. 18% is a high school dropout that smoked weed and skipped class half the semester.

Also bear in mind that these are the same organizations urging everyone that vaccinations are perfectly okay and can’t have any negative effects.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I'll never get another flu shot... There hasn't been a time I've got one and haven't gotten the flu shortly after.. "You must've had the flu virus already in you" or "it takes a few weeks to be fully effective" - that's BS. They do push people into getting it, even give it away for free. I didn't know the healthcare companies are so generous...:rolleyes: Prescription drugs like Tamiflu are nothing more than scams, too.. The flu will run its course, the Tamiflu does nothing to help at all...

I should know, I'm not a doctor... :D


I've heard of this very low effective percentage. How can they mess up so bad 2 years in a row?


Senior Member
I haven't had any kind of Flu shot or cold shot or any kind of vaccinations in over 15 years and i find i am sick far far far far far less than any of my friends who get them. Like i haven't been seriously sick in years, yet everyone around me is sick 3-4 times a year and they get their shots which i find funny, my Ex use to harass me constantly to get my shots as she worked in a Lab and was forced to get shots for her and her kids yet every time you turned around they were sick.

I personally find putting a virus in you is stupid, why on earth would i take a Shot that HAS the virus in it that i am trying to avoid? "It builds your immune system" i obviously have a good enough immune system that i haven't got it so keep that crap away from me.
Which is ironic because i am unhealthy as hell lol
