Freaky dreams coming true


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Hmm... Maybe you should try to do something out of the ordinary on those days, just to see what happens.. :) Nothing too extreme, but when you get a sense of deja vu, do something a little different than you normally would... See if anything changes.
That's a good idea actually thank you.
No problem! :) I have no idea if it'll do any good, but it's worth a shot!


Senior Member
I am so real powerful and better looking than I am in this world I get more attention. my girlfriend from high school I have had reunion dreams where fights break out and I end up waking up after the first punch that I hear. Then some dreams I dream of apocalypse and future sight seeing. I even saw jesus with no eyes. more to come on that. the yes were bloody and he rose out of his grave. I woke up in tears and horrific. If you saw that you would not live anymore. There was a real incident near my neighborhood. at a local diner. two men walked in black suits they gently put their sun glasses down they had no eye's. my friend from behind the counter ducked before they came in and hid in a cabinet I hid under tables and made my way in to the bath room. made sure the door didn't slam. I was really paranoid that day. too much strange shit had gone on.
