Geoengineering Could Turn Skies White


Doesn't that make you think about The Matrix?

Efforts to reflect away the sun's rays might also make the sky whiter, one of many reasons some distrust such geoengineering schemes.

The white haze that hangs over many major cities could become a familiar sight everywhere if the world decides to try geoengineering to create a cooler planet.

Scientists have long suspected that one oft-discussed geoengineering technique -- shooting tiny sulfate particles into the upper atmosphere to deflect sunlight -- could turn the blue sky white. Nature has already provided a basic proof of concept. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, spewing tons of sulfate particles in the atmosphere, it temporarily whitened the sky.

Now a new study by researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science attempts to determine just how big the effect from man-made geoengineering would be.

Adding enough sulfate to the stratosphere to block 2 percent of the sun's light would make the sky three to five times brighter, they report in a paper that will be published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Read the full article:
Geoengineering Could Turn Skies White: Scientific American


I am fascinated by the extent man will go to, to try to demonstrate that "he is in control" of his fate.


Interesting way of seeing things here, Peregrini.

I'm wondering if going as far as controlling the amount of sunlight that gets to the entire Earth surface is not a little much. Benefits are there perhaps, but if it fails, it may harm the whole planet. What if we miscalculated something and we turn the Earth's sky into an opaque cloud shell?


Senior Member
I live in middle Tennessee and keep track of heavy chemtrail spraying days. March-15, April-18, and May-17 spray days in my area. The rest of the time it is either cloudy or white out conditions. I do not see any deep blue skies like last year. The sky is screwed up even on clear days. I have a page on Check it out as I have over 100 pictures of chemtrails posted. Reasons have been geo-engeneering, this is for your good! Other reasons are depopulation, weather control or mind control in conjuction with Tesla technology...HAARP. Other ideas are they are covering up the sky so we don't notice that Planet X is on it's way. I read a post about the metal fillings added to the air will show areas that have been penetrated by invisible alien crafts. I almost forgot the grid created by chemtrails have the same chemicals as a plasma TV so holograms could show the second coming or an alien invasion...part of the NWO agenda. All this from geo engineering! All I know it is happenning all the time and all over the world...I don't know what the real reason is and may not find out untill the final hour. I think there is more to this then we are being told. Great topic!


Senior Member
This is an interesting topic, geoengineering as they have been going crazy in my area spraying, as always. I often felt that if it was happening for our own good, we are screwed as they must be loosing the battle. They are spraying round the clock turning the sky to a white haze.
This is the best explaination I have heard as to what is happening above our heads. I work outside every day so I am constantly watching the sky. If you think it isn't happening in your area, you haven't looked up lately. During this presentation, they discuss what appears to look like spider webs on the ground that have settled from the spraying above. This just clicked in my head, I have seen these lately and found them to be strange...strange for sure!

C2C...Geoengineering Threats:
Researcher and activist Dane Wigington has been documenting disturbing changes in the environment known as geoengineering. This includes various weather modification techniques such as chemtrails and HAARP. Through efforts such as chemtrails that place metal particulates in the atmosphere, we are now experiencing "global dimming," in which 20% of the sun's rays no longer reach the direct surface of the planet, he reported on Wednesday's show. Geoengineering's covert programs have been enacted as a means of control, and possibly to lessen the effects of global warming, but these efforts have backfired and become a dire threat to life on Earth, he warned. "At a certain point when you realize can't walk out the door and breathe without sucking in a lung full of heavy metal," you know you have to take a stand, he said.

Lab tests associated with chemtrails have found such chemicals as aluminum, strontium, barium, and now fluoride in Europe, and he connected this to soil and water contamination, and the decline of various forms of life. Artificially induced snowstorms are another harmful form of weather modification that has been seen in places where snow falls even though temperatures are above freezing, he revealed. Wigington cautioned that geoengineering could be pushing Earth into a "Venus Syndrome," in which climate feedback loops are triggered that begin to feed on themselves, eventually creating a hellish climate like that of Venus.

A NOAA scientist told him off the record that they are aware of these programs but afraid to step forward because of no 1st amendment protections. One of the few whistleblowers to come forward is Kristen Meghan, a former Air Force industrial hygienist, who has seen some of the chemtrail operations. At this juncture, Wigington believes there is a panic in the power structure. "Even those who were orchestrating these programs now are realizing that they cannot control the beast they have let out of the cage, and they are now frantically trying to refreeze the Arctic with ice nucleation," he commented
Hour 2 starts the discussion on geoengineering at the 39.25 mark

For additional information on chemtrails, check out this thread...
Are any of you aware of the government chemtrails in your skies?


Senior Member
Interesting way of seeing things here, Peregrini.

I'm wondering if going as far as controlling the amount of sunlight that gets to the entire Earth surface is not a little much. Benefits are there perhaps, but if it fails, it may harm the whole planet. What if we miscalculated something and we turn the Earth's sky into an opaque cloud shell?



Senior Member
Yes, chemtrails are making the sky white...Here is another sunrise out my front door. This was on 9/5/13.

Notice the nice friendly blue sky with fluffy clouds. Photo Shop...maybe. Take a trip down memory lane, this is what the sky use to look like. This was shown on the weather report on 9/5/13.

Live shot on the 9/5/13 weather report. Never a mention of chemtrails. High wispy clouds or non rain making clouds is what they call the chemtrails, if they say anything at all.
My daughter told me about a video done by Joe Rogan, which I found it interesting, especially the HAARP segment. I thought it strange his closing thoughts stating what we believe to be chemtrails are only clouds. The flock has been brainwashed to either not notice or to question what is happening to their world. Everyone, most everyone, is in la-la land.



Senior Member
The fly boys are spraying us like bugs today and most everyday in Music City. The nice blue sky that use to be has turned white but does anyone else notice? Have you been sprayed like a bug lately?


Active Member
I wondered why the sky was whiter lately, but why must these stupid goverments keep trying to fix a problem that isn't there? All that is going to do is cause another problem that they'll tax the crap out of us for! Then they'll screw up another botched repair and tax us because of the near extinction of the human race they caused. In the 1970 the world fear was global cooling.

The thing about HAARP, should they have screwed up when the first used it, it would have caused a WW3 in the 1990's over food shortages. In such a world there are freak weather conditions and the only way to survive when they happen are (unsupprisingly) in smart houses. (And are the only houses built to withstand everything.)
