"Ghost" Photo, Saint Augustine Lighthouse, Florida


I lived in Daytona and have been to the lighthouse many times. The basement is the most haunted, I have been jumped on and smothered by a spirit. Three times, three separate times. Many other times I just caught many orbs.
Have you gone to the Pensacola, Fl lighthouse? That seems like its full of spirits.

Interesting. I didn't pick up anything in the basement. I think it must have liked me. I got a lot of EVP of children (little girl) and a woman in the lightkeeper's house. I spoke with Mary Adeline. I psychically picked up on the name Marilyn and then went downstairs and check the notebook that the staff had and low and behold a girl named Mary Adeline died there in the trolly accident (children crashed it into the water).

No, I've never been to the Pensacola one.

Did you know a lighthouse worker in St. Augustine committed suicide? I don't think he ever left.


the lighthouse worker maybe the one who jumped on my and tried to suck the air out of me. he may have had an anger problem.

I'm not sure. I didn't know much about him. There was a rumor that he liked the ladies, but I thought it was just a joke. Who knows? I'll have to dig up my EVP. Mine are very clear because I brought a laptop, a professional mic, and a pre-amp-filter. :cool:


I took this during an investigation of the Saint Augustine Lighthouse in Florida in 2008.

Feel free to enhance, debunk, rip apart. I will not be offended. The only thing I'd l like to point out is that the misty shape is coming up from UNDER the floor. I don't think it could be a shoelace because it doesn't block the bars. Thoughts?

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Here is my ghost photo, @Wind7 from the St. Augustine lighthouse. If you look closely, the motion came from underneath the floor. It wasn't close to the lens. I went back and tried to reproduce this but could not. I even tried shoe laces. It looks like it came from under the floor, which is why I feel it couldn't just be a reflection. Girls were just sitting there trying to get EVP.
