Gointime - Change The Past


New Member
Thank you for adding me to your forum and site. It is my pleasure to be here. My main interests are in Time Travel, ET's, Esoterism and Conspiracies (looking at conspiracies but have no formed decision). There is a website that we are building as well as a group of people or movement gointime.info and a group Log In | Facebook If you are like minded people or willing to help in any form please do so.


Hello there, thank you for joining Paranormalis! :) We are glad to have you here among us.

I'm pretty sure several members will be interested by this initiative. Time travel is my favorite topic when it comes to Paranormal as well, so I'm looking forward to discussing with you on the forum. :)


New Member
This forum is excellent to discuss similar issues and I appreciate for it. On the other note there is always a group on Facebook for the updates. This forum is of course will serve it's purpose.
I will talk from myself and not from any group of people but it is not only my philosophy. The main idea is to establish the ability to repair something that seems impossible by many - even though lots of people agree with ability to time travel they almost completely erase from their minds the ability to change what has happened. And here we are talking about so called paradoxes, about their current understanding of reality, about their understanding of laws of nature (meaning physical laws) et cetera. It is a limitation of our minds. For my self I came into conclusion that it is possible to change something that rigid minds think is impossible based on my understanding of laws of nature and research into that ability. It is not easy and not something like sneezing but it is possible, meaning possible to travel in time and possible to change the past (do not even talk about paradoxes here). I am somewhat reluctant to talk about the conspiracies and that some of them state that their creators traveled in time as in my level of establishing legitimacy of something there is not enough information - few people to testify and few if any proof is given. But I do not deny their truthfulness just on fact that there are a few witnesses and no evidence to support the claims.
But my concern is not time travel per say but changing the past by any means and that is not only time travel by technical devices. That is our main concern and finding the ways, people and means to do so. And not only that but finding those who are willing to help and that is another issue (there are different degrees of help possible as you can see on our site). Because it is always easier to prevent something from happening than repair the broken. Unless you can manipulate realities and have no restrains to your senses and abilities. I personally find science more attractive rather than other ways just because I can touch it and see the result, though I do have some experiences that tell me the world is not only what I can see.
So I do come here not to speculate but promote our vision and invite others to participate. But in no way I will step into someone else house with my own rules.
And I do understand that it is deemed by many that other time dimensions do not exist and if they do it is impossible to manipulate it and that there is no freedom to chose and all is set in stone etc. In no way I wish to prove otherwise to any one, those who are ready are ready. And those I ask to come and participate.
Thanks for the opportunity to share my ideas.


New Member
And it is about universal harmony. If one say - why you should be allowed. I say - why not? It all depends on what the universe wants - harmony or chaos. The suffering gives a lesson but does it serve the purpose of universal harmony in the universe? And not each lesson leads to the desired outcome and not everyone is like Job. It is obvious something should be done.


New Member
I am interested in what you have to say. I am interested in the same pursuit, that of acessing Time, but via Consciousness.


New Member
That is my interest also! We are actually looking at all possible possibilities and Consciousness is one of them. You can visit our group on Facebook or whatever (the links are in my profile) and also we can discuss it here (I just love this platform and a place). I would love to hear what you have to say. In any case scenario, either you join us or we talk here it will benefit our cause. At the same time if you know about it, feel free to help us to research further into it and even write an article for us on our Web site. Thanks again.


New Member
Of course I can start putting our findings here but really have no time yet - so please follow us. Or ask specific questions. When we get more people and sort things out I would gladly use this for more discussion but monolog is tiresome.


New Member
No one is interested? I linked this page to our Web site. So I am using it as somewhat a replacement for our forum that does not exist yet. Plus I love the design. We did not go wild or crazy and have sound reasoning if that is concern. You are welcome to ask any questions that add to the discussion.
