HDR is in 2012 version


Senior Member
HDR just came in. This is the 2012 version. Plan to do more experiments soon. :)

Hi guys it's me once again I just wanted to tell you I had a hdr before got it from carlos but I never tested it out though because I was a teenager before anyways I am going to buy a gray magick mirror one is called see the future and another called see the past I don't know which one to get for now I am hoping for the future one because I want to see and hear the future but it won't be in August but probably in September I will get it then oh by the way thanks for the 2012 picture of the HDR hdrkid it looks totally cool and new and the technology is more advanced from steven gibbs if you go to this website you find what I am going to buy look under gray mirror and scroll down you will see other items too well here is the link: www.TheMagicVine.com let me know what you think about the website as well as the items! sorry guys I am not really a technological but more magickal in nature I like magick and magick stuff sorry for wasting your time well I will talk with you all later on if by some reason I can't get the mirror in September then I will get two of them in November for my birthday which would be cool!
