HDRKID or others who have used an HDR (or not) to go back in time please reply! I may buy one but...


Junior Member
I want to use it to go back in time to the 80s for something but the thing is I want to see the real thing, will this work at all? Like for example, If I went back to 1990 to watch Roseanne (TV show) on TV would it be the exact same Roseanne that I see on TV now or would the show be different somehow? Really want to know!!!..... because I heard of this alternate timeline thing and how the past you travel to may not be exactly the same past that really happened. I think Gibbs said he did that so that you can't go back in time and kill your grandfather and then you wouldn't exist..... but who cares because I wouldn't even want to kill my grandpa, I just want to see the real past d@mmit! sorry if you think this sounds a bit childish :p


Active Member
Sorry for replying so late. I did once have an HDR device in my possession, courtesy of "Dr. Opmmur". I will not judge you for wanting to see the real past. But do you really want to spend the money for what the HDR is? It is a telephone cord that goes around your head, like from the corded phone days. There is a big electro magnet that gets placed on your belly, and it gets hot. And you are suppose to be rubbing you finger on this plate, first running through these cleansing visualization. Then you need to find an energy vortex and have absolute faith it will work. I never did time travel with it.I just had a vision of a guy writing really hard with a pencil. It was part of an experiment to see the future. I was suppose to guess the number given in a future post. I didn't get the number right. He was writing really hard with a pencil though. The HDR is an electric crystal ball. You would likely do much better for yourself by learning to meditate and acting on your highest passion and having no expectation about what will happen. I wish you luck on your quest to the past.


Senior Member
I had an ex girl friend that owned one. I even got to try it... no I did not time travel. .... I did get laid though.


Junior Member
I had an ex girl friend that owned one. I even got to try it... no I did not time travel. .... I did get laid though.
"Hunny it's not working! I think it'd help if you came over here and....aaaaah yes. Now I'm seeing something! It's you, making me a sammich!" Rofl


Senior Member
Steven Gibbs told me that he built the caduceus coil in such a way that it sends you to an alternate time line to prevent people from using an HDR for gambling, but I suppose if the timeline percent divergence was very close your would see a past similar to our own. Still, it would not be the same. However, the changes would be minor.

I think that the 80's are an awesome era. However, you could go back and buy up internet domain names like iphone.com and later sell them for millions so it would be interesting to to see the changes. Perhaps you could help the Winklevoss Twins retain control of face book and it would be still their company.

Personally, it would be great to go back and help isaac asimov. He died of AIDS due to a tainted blood he got during cardiac by pass surgery.

Isaac Asimov died of AIDS. | MetaFilter


Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Hey KID watch out;) Steven Gibbs told me that people should not attempt to use HDR or explore time travel for personal gains but for research purposes only :)


Junior Member
Holy Moly ! HDRKID ! How do you know about the 80s ? That's incredible, it's almost like you time traveled there, and saw it yourself !!!
