how to become a vampire?

Huw Lewis

New Member
I don't it is a good idea to want to become a vampire, as in the old saying "be careful what you wish for as it might just come true!".:)


New Member
Vampires are not real. At least, not beyond those who enjoy being stuck in a world of fantasy and not reality.

I believe in ghosts, aliens..etc. But seriously folks, Vampires are not real and 99.99% of all humanity understands this. Vampires are as real as the easter bunny.


Vampires are as real as the easter bunny.

If our spirit creates it, then it is becomes real! ;) Simply not in our world. Same thing for God*, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. If you want to believe it, well go on! And I don't think it's being "stuck" like you say in a world of fantasy, it's just being creative and open minded.

*(I'm sorry for religious people who might see this as an insult, I'm not religious, and my intentions were not to offense anybody. It's just a way to prove my point)
Let's assume for a minute, that the "undead do exist", I know that's a "leap of faith" but with all the various "legends", folk stories, etc., that exist about "blood sucking somethings", out there wwith humans being their source of food and addition to the "vampire population", whose is to say. I can't prove they did/didn't exist and I haven't read anything by any scientist that proves it one way ot another. "Psychic vampires", not blood drinkers and certainly not a member of the "undead", do exist, as I have encountered them from New York to LA, London to Eastern Europe. Oh yes, painless and just as invasive,but no blood loss just a feeling of mental and physical tiredness. They lack the sensitivity to the all things the "undead" couldn't tolerate, sunlight, religious, holy water, etc., so they are almost completely impossible to ditect but being psychic helps.


Junior Member
Indeed. I did some looking into psionics a while back, and got really interested in the psychic vampire phenomenon. If vampires exist - they exist like that.


Here are three books you can check out if you’re into the correlation between “vampirism” and psionics.

1) Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune (you can find it free on Scribd).
I have the original and the New Edition. If you are going to purchase it, get the new edition for sure. New age psionics is just old school Dion Fortune on protection against powerful psychic influences and attacks. Even if you’re not into the occult, it’s still a very essential book to have.

2) Practical Psychic Self-Defense--Understanding and Surviving Unseen Influences by Robert Bruce. I have this one and the other book he wrote on astral travel. (Astral Dynamics) They go hand in hand. He recounts many of his experiences in life that have to do with ‘negs”—Negative spiritual influences—be they entities or conscious or unconscious thoughtforms headed your way. They are both really good books. This one isn't on Scribd but his second one Astral Dynamics is:
If you like it, the hard copy comes with a really cool CD that you can upload into any of your mp3 players.

3) “Emotional Vampires—Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry” by Albert J. Bernstein, PhD. This one lacks all the woo-woo substance of the other two but it is one of the best books I’ve ever read in dealing with feet on the ground “how to” dealing with people who have some serious personality disorders. You’ll find it in the self-help section of your local bookstore.
Unfortunately, this one isn't on Scribd but there are 3 or 4 pages of reviews on it. It's an awesome book.

4) Even though I didn't list it, I did find another interesting book on Psyhic Vampirism while looking for the links for the other books. I haven't read it yet so I can't recommend it but I looked at the table of contents and it looks good. Here is the link if you're interested:

Now, you can call it what you want to in order to get a publisher and in order to get sales but in the end, all three books are about the exact same thing. Namely, energy that you come into contact with and how to deal with it. Call it psychic attack, call it intentional, call it unintentional, call it disordered personalities, call it unseen spiritual influences, even go out on a limb and call it being cursed or generational curses, or call it all of the above—even call yourself a vampire if you fancy—but no matter what you call it, it comes down to the same thing. How to you keep your energy from being robbed and how to recognize it when it happens to you.

Not to stray too far from the subject of vampires—but you actually hit on something very valid in relation to people who like to dabble in vampirism. You eventually find some of them involved in satanic avenues who don’t believe in the motto “do what ye will but harm none”. They more or less believe in doing what ye will is the whole extent of the law. And a lot of times that entails sucking the life right out of you (if you allow it) and engaging in psychic attack (the more moral ones will only do so if you’ve really pissed them off) during your sleeping hours or just about any time that suits them.

It’s all psionics. It’s all old school occult. Give it whatever names you please. 6 of one and half dozen of the others. Anyways, those books I listed are excellent. If you’re interested in that kind of thing, give ‘em a try.


Junior Member
Mad, those are great books to look into! I read Robert Bruce's book, but it's been so long that barely remember reading it at all (which is strange for me.)
First, be careful what you wish for. I'm not going to even beging to try and change your minds, as if a person want to become a vampire, you have to wonder if their ability to make positive judgements is there and intact. Pardon me but that's the Clinical Psychologist coming out. I don't see the logic behind the life style, though I have several friends, some in treatment and others out, that live the "vamp" life style but do not believe they are vampiress. Cross that line of reality, and you will really see what hell on earth can be, just my opinion. They are perfectly happy exchanging blood after dinner, before, heck, just about anytime, as are their friends. I tried it bbut I just couldn't get innto it but sex afterward was better than I had ever had before.
