How to recognize cold reading, transference, clairvoyance, wishful/fearful thinking...


Junior Member

As the title says... I would like to fine tune my antennae.

I've been trying to differentiate between them.

I can recognize transference sometimes.... Other times I realize I'm talking back to people's thoughts/feelings even if they haven't said anything that would lead me realize their thinking/feelings, then I get weird looks.... And of course their denial and other consequences.

I realize I'm cold reading most times.

What is challenging for me is to not disclose back to someone what I can "realize" about them without their consent or verbal communication. It's challenging to maintain a conversation with only what I'm been told verbally as a platform... I wish I could find a way to install an on/off "switch".

In the other hand is pretty handy to know with who i can get laid and what I have to say or ask to make it possible! Lol! :p

Any advice, leads to readings? Lifetime experience is kind of slow.


Oh! BTW... How do I know when I'm having a premonition or actually my thoughts/feelings are manifesting and influencing the reality or my perception of it.


Junior Member
I followed a hunch and I found a book called the "seat of the soul", it does have the answers I was looking for!
