Confirmed Hoax I am a Time Traveler with Vortex video proof.


New Member
Except me, I'm the real thing.

So far you haven't validated your claim. So you can't make that claim without validation first.

Actually, Einstein, he has. Several times over. But his 'validations' were not intended for those without eyes to see or ears to hear and thus, many on this forum and elsewhere, are blind to it.

You, and the majority of the members of this forum, have no metric to judge if a 'time travel' claimant is real or not.

I highly recommend to you and others to accept this constraint and simply enjoy the exchange for what it is: a mystery that you may tangentially participate in.

As Ever
Temporal Recon

Do you now accept that F Lussorio was a fake fraudster? He/she (Lussorio) used a fake fb profile under the name of Tina Churchgate in order to perpetuate the hoax.


So far you haven't validated your claim. So you can't make that claim without validation first.

Actually, Einstein, he has. Several times over. But his 'validations' were not intended for those without eyes to see or ears to hear and thus, many on this forum and elsewhere, are blind to it.

You, and the majority of the members of this forum, have no metric to judge if a 'time travel' claimant is real or not.

I highly recommend to you and others to accept this constraint and simply enjoy the exchange for what it is: a mystery that you may tangentially participate in.

As Ever
Temporal Recon

Do you now accept that F Lussorio was a fake fraudster? He/she (Lussorio) used a fake fb profile under the name of Tina Churchgate in order to perpetuate the hoax.

That would be his second fake FB page, then. Who knows how many he made. As I said before, even if a real time traveler did that, I wouldn't care. I don't like how he behaved. Alien. Time Traveler. Ghost in the Machine. You reap what you sow! :p


Active Member
Actually, Einstein, he has. Several times over. But his 'validations' were not intended for those without eyes to see or ears to hear and thus, many on this forum and elsewhere, are blind to it.

You, and the majority of the members of this forum, have no metric to judge if a 'time travel' claimant is real or not.

I highly recommend to you and others to accept this constraint and simply enjoy the exchange for what it is: a mystery that you may tangentially participate in.

As Ever
Temporal Recon

Do you now accept that F Lussorio was a fake fraudster? He/she (Lussorio) used a fake fb profile under the name of Tina Churchgate in order to perpetuate the hoax.

That would be his second fake FB page, then. Who knows how many he made. As I said before, even if a real time traveler did that, I wouldn't care. I don't like how he behaved. Alien. Time Traveler. Ghost in the Machine. You reap what you sow! :p
Perverted son of a bitch! He came here for attention and pussy.


Let's stay in on topic please.

I moved the posts about being vegan and relish to a thread in the general discussion section.



Active Member
It's best to let Num and the site staff handle it. That's what they are here to do. We can beat this topic to death...but it keeps the stalker(s) coming back.
