I Am An Expert On John Titor. Feel Free To Engage Me In Conversation


There's something bothering me , once John mentioned a legend ( for lack of a better term) that a time traveler landed in a world line with zero divergence. Is possible that near world lines could actually cross and one could unwittingly,change to another near line and not notice?
Legend? The better term would be anecdote. I don't think he said that though

Titor said:
"There is a bit of folklore about the first distortion driver who reaches a destination with a zero divergence. This would mean they had traveled on a space-like trip to their own worldline of origin. This paradox is quite possible although highly unlikely. I wonder if anyone out there can take current string theory and make that one work on paper?"


You stated you went back in time from 2036 to 1975 with a near 2 percent divergence. You also said that a zero divergence is a myth or technologically improbable.
Yes, a “ZD” is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point “may” not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of “homes” that I could return to that don’t have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .0002377%.

The thing is, there would be no paradox. Zero divergence is mathematically possible. Even in 2000 years, someone will figure out how to get there with the proper technology.


New Member
My knowledge of Titor is pretty darn good. My experience with it is comprehensive. If your one of the 4 individuals that attended the JI meet ups then you know what I look like.... I discovered the JT writings around 2003. I watched as certain things he spoke on unfolded. And I watched as something he spoke on did not unfold. He was never a knower of all things. He was just a dude that recounted his past. Not a predictor nor prophet although by reading about his words of his futures past we can get a general idea of how this world is going and maybe use his own personal life experiences to better our own little earth.

So if you have any question about John Titor at all feel free to join the discussion.

I am somewhat of an expert on titor too. I have all his available archived posts on my smart phone and computer, I research them frequently. I've researched threads like these to get a better understanding but I finally decided to join this particular thread being that TTI seems to be having financial troubles and this site has the most titor people. I was once a skeptic, not to say I was some kind of "unbeliever". Im a scientist, I specialize in computer science. It is actually what drove me to the titor story, as a programmer my goal is to one day solve the y2k38 crisis as my older cilleagues did with y2k. Upon researching what I call legacy code and the old 5100s ability to "scoop" code my search of specific key words brought up John Titor. Being obsessed with time travel and physics I was intrigued. As a scientist I cannot simply believe without evidence. My research started as a way to identify the psychology of titor, and to document his implications into a story. As I kept researching I came across what I thought was evidence of Haber being titor, doing a hoax. I was wrong and later found out the much unliled razimus came to this same conclusion. The fact is, john titor if he is a hoax isn't Larry haber or Denny Unger (who is bow working on VR with valve, John titor didn't even know what VR was!) I think Titor is real. I am interested in the patent that was backwards engineered from his posts and manuals. Some say the patent won't work, I think it can, and I've come to my own scientific conclusions on that, not simple google searches, anyone can google. I now believe John could have been real and if he wasn't then it doesent matter because he was intelligent and gave us a lot to think about. Like I said I am a skeptic not a debunker or unbeliever. But now I do "believe". To believe in a possibility is not " finding Jesus/titir' like some make it out to be for some reason. I believe the ibm 5100 is an important machine and I wish I had one. If I could build a time machine to get one I would, JTs reasoning for that makes total sense. That's why I love the story and find it so uncanny the way I came across it. I've learned a lot from his posting and in fact I'm making a book. Its a book about his actual travels, gathered from the implications and statements in his posts and what I've read in the Kay titor book. Its not going to be for profit, it can't be because they hold the copy right. I think if titor was real, there's a strong chance he leaked information and tools needed to develop the emulators that over came y2k. Have you read up on the Hercules emulators for example, interesting stuff! I am not here to interview or harass or spy on any fellow titor researches. I'm not here to change beliefs or even my own. Ive already been accused of crap or confronted as some kind of hostile entity in my short time here. One thing I do think is funny Is that I see some of johns strongest "believers" advocating and supporting things the JT himself warned us about. I think I or someone in our world can solve the y2k38 crisis, that's why the titor saga is important to me. It inspires me in a way. And no 64 bit systems will not save us, not economically anyway. 32 bit systems didn't save us, people like samstwitch did, with their dedication. And the hercules emulator. Anyone know anything about 360 sc? Its source code. Kinda boring stuff until you consider the fact that it saved us from economic collapsed. Also, I have a question titorite. What do you think of Javier Cortez? What was his deal? Why was he so hostile. I can understand raz, raz actually had a point IF JT is a hoax, but Javier had nothing to gain. Supposedly he was kidnapped by evil time travellers.? Lol. If I were a time travller I would not be as brave as john no matter how desperate I was for a good anonymous conversation. What do you think of the kinds of topics people talked about with john? I always found it really awful that nobody indulged him in the topics he obviously hinted at. For example, he consistently hinted at being a fan of football yet people only brought up triple crown racing... When he talked about physics they asked about stocks. When he talked about culture they asked about Hollywood. I wish he would have came to talk to us in 2016, I'd have some really complex questions for him. Sorry for my lengthy post and errors. I'm posting from a smart phone, and as a programmer I can type faster and longer than most and not realize how long winded I appear to be.



@MartinezDeMedio Ive already been accused of crap or confronted as some kind of hostile entity in my short time here. One thing I do think is funny Is that I see some of johns strongest "believers" advocating and supporting things the JT himself warned us about.

I've had the same experience, and I spoke (in not the most kindest of ways) before I knew what the culture was like here and offended at least one person. : ( I just wouldn't have thought that Titor's postings could have been interpreted that way, and maybe that says something about me. I don't know. Anyway, I wish this thread would come back to life. I believe Titor is real, and to the one person who posted earlier about Alas, Babylon-- yes, I have read it and I still believe. How many times did Titor say that he didn't WANT people to believe, why then would he have been honest about everything? I believe he had motives for saying what he did, and I'm pretty confident that he told us enough to believe him but not enough to absolutely prove it and trying to prove it is futile. Either you believe or you don't. And that is why I wish I had come to this particular thread a couple years ago! : )

Snake Plissken

I believe..
I have read the complete posts of JT several times and the book of the same written by Anonymous.

The thing about John Titor that I just can't get passed is that he only talked about the worries that people had around the time that he wrote in the forum. Mad cow disease, Y2k bug, etc (both of which quickly turned out to be a whole lot of nothing) Why didn't he speak about 9/11 which was on the horizon or at least the principle concerns of the World post 9/11- dangerous religious Ideology. His timescales for civil war in the US were also somewhat out and let's hope ultimately wrong.

However, the whole JT saga has opened my eyes to time travel. For me [physical] time travel always existed only in the realms of fantasy but now exists in the possible. If I was forced to choose one side or another at this time then it would have to be..



Senior Member
John Titor is similar to a brand name. He charges more. Content is the same.



So John Titor is like Starbucks? I don't know that I "buy" that. So, this thread seems to be coming back to life, albeit in a new zombie-ish form. I am wondering if John Titor did come back and he were pretty different from the last, would you be able to accept that or would you tear him apart before you dismissed him? Perhaps he wouldn't pass your very scientific studies of textual analysis and contraction comparisons.
