I Need Help..


New Member
My boyfriend is a truck driver. And we've known each other for quite a few years. We've been together on and off for the past 5 years. We recently got back together at the end of July. Things have been going pretty great. Until a few days ago.. He's on the road, and we were talking on the phone one night and he was telling me that as he was driving over a bridge at night (at about 2 or 3 am), he saw a little boy standing on the side, and as my boyfriend passed him, he said the boy had a creepy grin and then flipped him off. It really freaked him out... but he was okay.
Last night, I texted him and told him good night. I woke up this morning and started texting him again. He told me he needed to talk to me. And I got extremely worried. He told me that as he was driving, he noticed something staring at him through the window. He pulled the truck over and checked it out, but nothing was there. It really scared him, and he then started to tell me that he didn't know if he was "sane" enough to be with me. I started freaking out when he said that, reassuring him that he isn't crazy. He then told me that he wasn't going to break up with me, that he didn't want to. But I still wasn't convinced. He also told me that this has happened before. Earlier this year, when he was with his last girlfriend, things were getting really bad between them. He started "seeing people". And it scared him. His girlfriend at the time wanted to help him, but at that point, he didn't want her help, he was already done with her. He told me that she had walked in on him sitting in the corner, shaking and crying. And I just wasn't sure what to say to something like that.
Things got a little better, I thought, but I knew something wasn't quite right.. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. My anxiety was through the roof, and I just felt sick to my stomach. I texted him again after a little bit, and told him to reassure me that he wasn't going to break up with me. He told me that he didn't want to, but he just wasn't sure.
He started telling me that he didn't want to break up, but he was just really shaken mentally. And that he needs to "clear his head" because he doesn't know what he feels right now. He honestly thinks something is wrong with him. He said that he wants to take a break of being boyfriend and girlfriend, but he still wants me in his life, still talk like we always do.

I do not want to lose him. I've lost him too many times before, and I'm finally happy. He's it for me. And I'm it for him. But what I want to know is how can I help him? And how is it possible for something like this, to turn into us taking a break? Things were great a few days ago... and now all of a sudden he needs to clear his head because he thinks he's crazy?
I'm so confused and I refuse to be without him. I've told him that countless times. I'm trying so hard not to be selfish, my best friend says I should give him his space, but be there for him if he needs me. But it breaks my heart that something like this is making him feel so helpless...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Side note: I am new to this site, and I"m not exactly sure where to post this... so please forgive me if I didn't do this right.

Thank you.


Senior Member
Welcome Erin! I read your comment and have two possibilities in mind. It could be that he is seeing departed spirits, which in that case would make him a Medium. But I've never heard of a spirit flipping someone off. From what you said, it seems as if he has these visions when he is stressed.

His visions and doubts that he is sane, and shaking/crying makes me wonder if he could be suffering from a psychological condition such as schizophrenia. Schizophrenia afflicts many people and causes them to see strange things, including people who aren't really there. Did you ever see the movie "A Beautiful Mind" with Russell Crowe? In the movie, he was suffering from this condition. There is medication for it.

It would be advisable for your boyfriend to see a doctor to Rule Out any conditions that might be affecting him. I'm not sure what kind of specialist, but I suggest a Mental Evaluation to find out first if he is suffering from something like that.

There might be some other condition that he is suffering from, but this one that I mentioned is the only one that I'm familiar with that would cause visions and that type of behaviour.

I'm familiar with a Borderline Personality Disorder, which causes a person to want to flee when they get in a close relationship with a person they love, but that doesn't include hallucinations.

Just stick with him and encourage him to seek help. That's my best advice.

Good luck with it all.



In addition to ruling out any physical conditions, he can also pray to Archangel Michael who can help cut him free from contact with ghosts.


Those guys hit it on the head.

Does he consume a lot of caffeine? You said this happens late at night. People don't know this but it is a very abused stimulant and doses as low as 500-700 (1000 according to studies and tolerance) can cause hallucinations. Sad thing is one dose of most energy pills and such are already at 500 mg per pill/dose.

Get a shrink and see what that person says. Spiritual oppression usually involves a person cutting themselves off from people. And a lot of weird stuff happens to me at 3am. Sometimes on the dot.

Pray. Even of you don't think you know how. Prayer is one of the most powerful things. Pray for cleansing and protection. And for his eyes to be closed and for whatever opened them to be banished and closed off in his life.


Or, it could be that this guy has grown apart from you, again...
We've been together on and off for the past 5 years. We recently got back together at the end of July.

Some men have intimacy issues and get all antsy and want to bail when a relationship begins to "smother" them. That may or may not be your fault at all. Step back and take a look at your own actions in the relationship. Are you too clingy? Do you text him a lot? Do you act overly inquisitive concerning what he's doing at any given time of the day? Do you exhibit jealous behavior toward him? Question him about other girls, the waitresses at truck stops? If none of these are true and you are the perfect girl friend then it may be completely him.

He also told me that this has happened before. Earlier this year, when he was with his last girlfriend, things were getting really bad between them. He started "seeing people". And it scared him. His girlfriend at the time wanted to help him, but at that point, he didn't want her help, he was already done with her.

Maybe he is seeing someone else and wants to end the relationship with you and he is feeling guilty about his actions.
His hallucinations are nothing out of the ordinary for someone who, is doing a monotonous routine like driving, for extended periods of time, and probably with insufficient sleep and rest, as a truck driver might be. That should be the least of his or your worries.
It may be that it is time for you to just move on with your own life, find a new boyfriend, who isn't a truck driver, and settle down and have a good life.
Just my 2 cents, as someone who has been-there-seen that-done-that.


Junior Member
No disrespect..... But...

Another possibility is that your boyfriend is addicted to drugs (sounds like meth). Being a truck driver it's drug of choice. Use of it causes "shadow people".


Junior Member
You can see if he is willing to keep a journal of his sightings and stuff what time where he is how many he see's etc. and after a bit look for a pattern.
