Iran is Acting like a Toddler


So, Iran is testing missiles. It really doesn't surprise me. Iran wants to test the new administration, just as a toddler tests his mother's patience. In a way, this is a passive aggressive move. How much can they get away with before mommy snaps?

I personally feel this mess began with the Obama administration. Trump has only been in office for 3 weeks. Blaming him is illogical.

Why exactly was Obama corresponding with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei?
If you read this article, you will see that Iran officials were allowed in the White House.

Articles: How Deep Was the Obama-Iran Relationship?

People are so bent out of shape because Trump is attempting to have good relations with Putin when Obama has been acting suspiciously for many years. WTH?


Senior Member
Obama and his followers ran this country into the ground and his followers haven't given up as they continue their dirty deed. They are like Iran...a bunch of idiots displaying their infantile behavior. We need to set an example and charge them with terrorism or treason, then lock them up.
Trump is like Reagan in alot of ways. Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down that wall (Berlin Wall) and was tough with the military. Soon after the wall came down and the Soviet Union broke apart. If you are tough the bullies leave you alone but if you are a candy-a$$ pansy watch will be theirs for the taking.

Shady Tree

Junior Member
Obama and his followers ran this country into the ground and his followers haven't given up as they continue their dirty deed. They are like Iran...a bunch of idiots displaying their infantile behavior. We need to set an example and charge them with terrorism or treason, then lock them up.
Trump is like Reagan in alot of ways. Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down that wall (Berlin Wall) and was tough with the military. Soon after the wall came down and the Soviet Union broke apart. If you are tough the bullies leave you alone but if you are a candy-a$$ pansy watch will be theirs for the taking.
Osamas 8 years as head idiot truly shows to. He did nothing good for this country. 8 years and nothing he did has any real value. Seems like each president we have had after Reagan has done nothing but make things worse and worse for the world not just USA.
