Is hell real?

Carl Miller

Active Member
@wanda ..."the pain will not go away. You cannot hope for death because you are dead already".

Yes, since you realize you are eternal this is the logical conclusion. But generally the suicidal is a material kind of person. He falsely believes everything will end with his physical death. Soon he will realize he continues to live, that life is eternal. He has to cope with the heavy load of having sinned against life and he is punished severely. The pain is indiscribable. We should never forget to pray for the suicidal people. Our praying is a remedy for their unfortunate souls.


Gonna give you an example, folks. It is indiscribable the pain that a suicidal person suffers in a hell he created for himself. Upon the afterlife he is considered as a reprobate- a predestined to damnation. He will punish himself until he realizes he should never repeat such a criminal act again in future incarnations to come.

That's an interesting theory Carl, but I disagree with you. The reason I disagree with you is because suicide has many different causes. Let's take into account for example someone who has suffered a horribly abusive life, and on top of that is mentally ill. I personally would like to think that the individual is judged based upon what they have gone through, done, and the reasons for their suicide rather than going to hell simply because they were trying to escape their reality. Or let's take it a step further and imagine that someone who was in a concentration camp was ordered to torture others, so they kill themselves to spare someone else. Or perhaps a person jumps on a bomb to save a crowd, knowing they will die. All going to hell?

- Should people suffer more pain on top of the pain and confusion they felt that caused them to commit suicide in the first place?

I feel a similar way about condemning people purely based upon belief. The truth of the matter is the WE DO NOT KNOW what happens when we die. To assume that a person who believes (insert belief here) goes to heaven while everyone else is damned to torture is rather sadistic to me in the fact that we would be ok with one another suffering eternal pain simply for having different thoughts than our own.

Carl Miller

Active Member

Someone cannot be condemned purely based upon belief.
I am a layman in Law matters, but I know that someone is judged considering the mitigating and also the aggravating factors.
Suppose someone commits suicide under an altered state of consciousness, let's say someone commits suicide led by Schizzophrenia.
Schizzophrenia is a serious disorder that affect how a person thinks, feels and acts.
Someone with Schizzophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary, may be unresponsive and withdrawn, and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations.
Imagine the following situation @Freeform= just picture out =terrorized by a ghastly persecution a Schizzo commits suicide.

Now, on the other hand, consider the next case=

The man is a famous writer, he is growing old and realizes that he is becoming blind.
He cannot appreciate his literary work anymore.
He feels unable to post on the literary columns how he used to draw so much pleasure from it. He feels sick and tired, worn out by material needs cause people do not care for him anymore.
He is still sober and owner of all his freewill he decides to kill himself to end up all his suffering.
Although our instincts reject the idea he goes to hell because he realizes he is still alive and have destroyed his physical and his etherical body is in a lamentable state of confusion.

Of course, Freeform, no one is obliged to accept this state of affair.

Paranormalis is a place where we can discuss about our creeds our beliefs without being tagged as a crazy person.
No one is the owner of the truth. I speak relating to what i think, but an opinion is limited, it is my opinion.

Anyway i thank you for your patience and kindness. If our opinions on the matter do not match, remember that it is perfectly acceptable.
I never preach, i only free myself free to give my opinions away as i would like very much to know what is your opinion about this.


New Member
Can I recommend channelling erik and go to the archives and seek the subject , I have gained so much info on afterlife from this site , I now have no fear of dying and no there isn't a hell you will do a life review when you cross over and have the chance to come back and rectify the lesson if you want to x


New Member
Carl whatever you believe in is what you will see like if you think your gonna go down a tunnel with a light that's what you will get , everything that happens to you is pre written by you in a contract but you won't realise this until you pass over , you wrote that experience into your life for a particular reason only you would know and if you learnt the lesson you will move on to the next lesson , do not be worried by the medicine man he took you to his creation of hell , stop believing it and you will never go there again x

Carl Miller

Active Member
i am not overwhelmed by hell, Kerry311. By the way 'my hell' is the ancient hades- a temporary place of purgation. Purgation is a Strong word, i use it here as a figure of speech since
the act of purging; specifically : vigorous evacuation of the bowels (as from the action of a cathartic or an infective agent)

  • 2: administration of or treatment with a purgative.

The purging act is what i mean. Anyway, i know that 'my meaning' for hell is alien to most of you. i am going to explain why. I am a kardecist spiritist. So my take on the afterlife differs from the Catholic version of the binary system of heaven and hell.
According to the old christian concept we will be judged for a period of time that is circumscribed between 40 and 100 years.
The Catholic church do not teach reincarnation. We, spiritists, think differently. We believe in reincarnation. A suicidal spirit must reincarnate so that he may obtain his spiritual balance. Now we have different perspective into the afterlife.
As i do not lecture, i only discuss about the afterlife, i do not insist that you accept my ideas of the afterlife.

Once again i want to make it clear that people usually disregard the other side of the coin. I do not wish to sound pessimistic. I only wish to be realist. If you do some research on the internet you will find that there are also terrible accounts of the afterlife experienced by the Near Death Experiencers, that is to say, people who had a close brush to death and went back to life, obviously.

I think there is a time for putting an end to discussions. So, excuse me, but i will not be coming back on to this thread anymore. Also i will stay away from discussions on hades, hell and heavens and these sort of things.

I only wish to thank you for your education and hope to find you on another different thread, perhaps discussing why the Ets do not land on the White House lawn.


New Member
Hey Carl you prob won't see this but ty for the above , I am Catholic and very open minded and I love to read other people's experiences , thoughts and ideas and I look forward to your future posts , have a good day x

Carl Miller

Active Member
i saw truthfulness in your reply. So, i decided to come back once more to say something to you. i was raised as a Catholic, my Family is Catholic, so you realize what 'my background is'.
Once, Kerry, as fathers usually came into my house, i felt so much confidence in a Capuchin father, i mean, a father that follows the lessons of Saint Francis, i asked him if we, in the afterlife, will turn into dust, or would disappear into nothingness.
His reply was na unorthodox one, He said,,,no Carl, we wont disappear into nothingness, a soul needs an envelope.
An envelope? So we will maintain our individuality? He answered positively. And it made me wonder....


Wanna define "HELL". Different folks have different notions. I like to think of it as a transition from 1 dimension, to another, another time, etc. The KJB I don't go along with.
