Letter written to the Wall Street Journal by John Titor II dated January 15, 2012


Senior Member
Not sure where to put this. I found a letter wriiten to the Wall Street Journal by John Titor II dated the 15th of january 2012. Here's the link: http://www.publishaletter.com/readletter.jsp?plid=34268

Don't know if it's real but found it interesting.
Ooops. Just found another written by the same guy. it's probably some wise cracker. Anyways, I'm certainly not an expert. You might want to take a look anyways.

Thanks Leslie, I'm posting this information in a new thread, because it's a good find. Don't know if it's genuine or not, but it's certainly worth researching. Can you give us a link to the second letter?

Here it is folks...

Dear Editor: It would appear in the grand scheme of things the United States, after being properly provoked by Iran will declare war. However, The first strike the Iranians will make will be against Israel saying that they are our ally. About eight and a half minutes after Iran attacks Israel.. A wail and whimper will go in Iranians cities not seen since biblical times. About thirty minutes later The United States, Canada, UK, will launch the strike at Tehran that will level the city and take down the major military installations, then naval targets. I believe that the war could be waged off shore without the use of ground troops. After Iran's infrastructure is leveled Iranians will be ready to listen to reason on just about anything. Iran's fallen are not going to be receiving thirty-seven virgins when they depart this world.
Attacks on the United States by Valenzuela will be nothing compared to what will hit appropriate targets in that country. Targets will reduce Venezuela's capability to make or threaten war for decades a joke. Valenzuela's natural resources need to be administered by the United States. The president of Iran is a fool trying to impress upon the world his statesmanship, a career started as a illiterate kidnapper. He really should of been spanked then. President Adminijad will go the way of Moamar Gadhafi. Hosni Mubarek, Hafez Assad, and other dictators in the region.


That one is to The Christian Science Monitor but I did see another to The Wall Street Journal. Will look.

These may be posted by some Wannabe JT Time Traveler. You decide.
Dear Editor: Future generations of Americans will become aware of a travesty perpetuated upon the American People. Fraking has already destroyed the ground water for generations in Wyoming. Next the ground water in the Ohio River Valley will be polluted as well. In the years to come the companies that did this will claim that they thought the process was safe and that it would not pollute let alone kill all those that drank the polluted water.

Expect to continue to see ads on how safe Fraking is then expect to see lobbyist try to pass legislation that will prevent those suffering poisoning or cancer from suing the companies that did the Fraking.

There is nothing that greed will prevent in this case and a lot of damage has been done already to the environment. Fraking may ultimately impact the human race to a point that decades later our children and our children's children will be altered adversely. Will it affect our ability to reproduce or will the inheritors of this mess just be grotesque beings from reality horror, you pick!



Senior Member
Here's a whole bunch of them he wrote.


When I click on the link, a blank page comes up with 3 letters on the left side. Are you a 'Registered Member'? If so, that's the cause. Look at the link above that you posted. After the Web URL it has "/Action", but on the previous links you posted there were numbers directing us to specific articles. Can you post those types of links here?


Senior Member
My first impressions, based on reading only:

1) The first letter sounds like he is retelling what will happened, as if he already knows...EXCEPT that he says in the beginning, "It would appear in the grand scheme of things..." which sounds like a guess, not an actual forecast (If it happens exactly this way then he could be a real TT).

2) The second letter sounds like a forecast, an estimated guess based on current information (from a wannabe TT).

I'm thinking these 2 letters are from wannabe TT's. Hmm, we shall see.


Senior Member
Go to the first link you have and search "John Titor". That's how I got there.

That worked. http://www.publishaletter.com/readletter.jsp?plid=34268

I believe someone is just using the "John Titor II" name to post his own personal predictions about world events. But it's still something I will look into and others can as well. Thanks for posting the information. One never knows about these things, but...Time tells all. :)
The demeanor of John Titor II's letters have nothing in common with the actual John Titor or any of the others. I think I'm going to throw my vote for "fake"


Time Travel Professor
After reading through this short letter twice: The vibes I'm picking up are as follows: We have a high school or college prankster. This person is a complete, card-carrying fake. I would not classify him or her as even a John Titor want to be. I also feel that the FBI or some government agency should look into this prank. It could start a chain reaction of events that could lead to nuclear war and all over some dumb kids prank.
