Lizard Squad Hacking Group Takes Down Playstation Network (PSN) and XBox One Live — Thanks...


Think outside the mind
Hacking group Lizard Squad has flexed its muscles once again, taking down the Playstation Network (PSN) and Xbox One Live on the same day within mere hours of one another. Millions of gamers across the world were left with no way to play the video games they had invested hundreds of their hard-earned dollars in. Meanwhile, Lizard Squad revealed on its Twitter account that the best is yet to come. Whatever that means.

Lizard Squad is, as everyone knows, a group of hackers that don’t even try to steal money or private information, but just really enjoy being a general nuisance to the general public. They consist of several middle-aged men that work in the IT field and have currently never had sex with a woman or a man. They have no message to spread, positive or negative, but exist only to try to make good, hard-working people’s lives at home suck a little more than they did before, and of course, to avenge years of “bullying” during high school.

Bottom line: sucks to be a gamer for a little while till the folks at Sony and Microsoft get this fixed. Sucks to be a member of Lizard Squad 24/7, 365.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
There was a article i read awhile back about My Generation being the last generation to go outside and play, kids now want to play on their Consoles with their friends instead of going out and doing things like we use to as kids.

These Systems and smart phones are turning our society into anti-social hermits.
