
Junior Member
Up till now I've still not yet t. tr.'led, so there is no idea, whatsoever, e.g. mine that I can answer your question, J.A., anyway, good luck to us all, MY best obligation to become such a TT to be is the word optimism, a quite moral thing that no one gives me any 'relev.' suggestion that I can fail to be happy w., my answers can sound selfish to you, however, my selfishness is as a promise a 'flat 'detail!''
Is that possible if you could travel time by your own will?
Say you want to travel to year 2003?
Can you do that?
Did you inject the serum yourself?


Junior Member
Of course I can 'apparently' do both, - on the other hand, this serum, you mentioned to me, a doubtful issue that I pers. don't feel that I can call any good suggestion, how on Earth would I get such a medical prescription? If you don't trust me, Miss, though I don't yet 'testify' to being such a TT, why don't you just, please, dwell on, what your optimism means to you, by you? Sorry, I won't be back till Tues- or Friday.
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Junior Member
Is that possible if you go back to year say 2003 right now?
Can you go to.different country?


Junior Member
I'm not moving anywhere right now, Miss, so I still don't think, I can 'deny' going to another country, that is, if, when The T. Tr. Procedure can become possible, - your questions are tough, good luck to us all, J.A., are you trying to pick on me or what? I've still t. tr.'ed nowhere!


Junior Member
No, I didn't come from 2018, I was born in 1968, I just read what, I could about it here online, it was on another website, J.A., God is A Morron!


Junior Member
No, I didn't come from 2018, I was born in 1968, I just read what, I could about it here online, it was on another website, J.A., God is A Morron!

If you haven't time travel, how do you know to used the serum?

Sanyam Deshi

Junior Member
Let's think of time like an axis, just like there are x, y, and z axes. Think of it like moving left and right, forward and backward, and up and down. These three dimensions represent the ones that we can "see," "feel," "experience," or however you want to word that. To picture time as a dimension, think of a flip-book or a stop-motion animation. This complex idea of time travel that people usually have is some person getting into a time machine, flipping a switch, and appearing in the same location in the past. The only problem is with the Earth's rotation and orbit, space-time coordinates get quite complex. This is why the concept of time travel being feasible someday is so mind-boggling. If it is ever accomplished, it means that technology has advanced immensely. Perhaps machines transporting matter will be invented before such time machines. This doesn't even touch upon the many other theories about how time travel will be accomplished. I am no expert on the matter.


Junior Member
No, I didn't come from 2018, I was born in 1968, I just read what, I could about it here online, it was on another website, J.A., God is A Morron!

If you haven't time travel, how do you know to used the serum?
I never saw this serum, so there is no idea, whatsoever, e.g. mine that I can answer, let alone understand your '?.' J.A., - till & lest I for instance find out, why on Earth my disturbed xxther, a sick f., was against me being 'just' myself!
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Junior Member
No, I didn't come from 2018, I was born in 1968, I just read what, I could about it here online, it was on another website, J.A., God is A Morron!

If you haven't time travel, how do you know to used the serum?
I never saw this serum, so there is no idea, whatsoever, e.g. mine that I can answer, let alone understand your '?.' J.A., - till & lest I for instance find out, why on Earth my disturbed xxther, a sick f., was against me being 'just' myself!
Has anyone time travelled using the serum?
