Looking into time travel for a solution?

Kimber Luv

New Member
Find real working time machine or traveller and you can have my meager funds, useless bit sentimental possessions and organs when I croak. Beyond that I am waiting for a bloody miracle to a pain that will not relent even if I am so drugged I can barely see straight. Life is not fun when u have 3 neurologists who don't know how to help, nerve pain meds that no longer work for neuropathic face pain due to damaged nerves and this lasts all day 24-7 without benefit of discount Slurpies. Translation.

Minus the joy. So if John Tito is real, get his ass to my locale or send to Government where I can risk time travel even if molecules are scattered to the 4 winds. I'll take the chance in a gigawatt.
Regards, Kimber Luv.
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Contact Mariya94. She's helping everyone in your situation.
