Manifestations, Frequencies and Parallel Dimensions (and Bashar)


New Member
Since november and more precisly my 25th birthday I have been studying works of Neville Goddard (Feeling is the Secret, other books and lectures), Dr. Joseph Murphy (Power of your subconcious mind), Claude Bristol (Magic of Belive), Charles Haanel (Master Key System) and Vadim Zeland (Transurfung Reality Steps I-V, Transurfing Reality in 78 days). I also watched videos of Darryl Anka channeling "Bashar". I feel like I understand mostly but I'm kinda confused, mostly refering here to vadim and bashars notion of multiple realities existing now, like lets say that version of me/reality I want to experience is incompatibile/non agriable to my family, the question is lets say that one could go to be where rules are a bit more lets say cartoony, would that mean that I'd be separated from my family or like in "this reality" would I disapear "die" or sth like that?
