Mysterious Matter and Our Own Creation


I wrote this a few years ago. Enjoy.

The universe is filled with a type of matter that humans cannot yet detect with instruments because it apparently does not emit a magnetic frequency. We know it's there because of calculations and scientific logic. Although this is pure speculation, this matter, called dark matter, could very well be the substance that has created each and every one of us. From the dawn of time right down to the end of life itself, this material is always there. We often thought that energy was the only "substance" that could not be created nor destroyed, but what about dark matter? Is there more to life than just energy? I truly believe so.

Every planet, star, living creature, and inanimate object in this universe is made out of something. Although some may argue with this theory, I personally believe that although God may have been the ultimate force that started the ball of life rolling, we did not just "appear" out of nowhere. The most popular theory of creation is the "big bang theory" which states that the universe exploded and this space dust was formed into planets and stars from the pulsation of radio waves. The next question is this. What exploded? The only way to really describe it at this point of time is as a mysterious material. I believe that this material could very well be dark matter. Can I prove it? No, but I have a hunch based on science and logic. Yes, I truly believe the notion that we are all made of "star dust". What a beautiful concept!

Some people believe this matter or substance is actually alive and inside all of us. This, to me, seems to match my concept of Christianity as the the Holy Spirit lives inside each and every one of us and is a part of the holy trinity. If God is inside all of us, then this matter is inside of us, too. We are all a part of the trinity! God is our mind. Jesus is our body. The holy spirit is our soul. Therefore, why can we not perform "miracles"? I'm not talking about walking on water or turning water into wine, but hey, why the heck not? It is entirely egotistical to compare ourselves to Jesus himself, but even God stated that man was created in his likeness.

Now, I have come to the crossing and will choose a path to lead you to where I am going with this concept. If we are made of the universe, then we, essentially, are the universe. If we are the universe and the universe was capable of creating gorgeous stars, planets, and life itself, could we not manifest that which we truly desire? Is this so hard to conceive, or am I assuming that we are all "gods"? In some respect we are, but I feel the ultimate God is made out of the most "star dust" of us all and has the strongest of power.

It is time to use the power of the universe to change your life for the better. Think only thoughts that will create a paradise for you and your loved ones. Treat people in a manner that will spread more joy and positive energy. Use your very own "mysterious substance" to change the world.

I dare you.

by PaulaJedi
