Near 41 to 4900s preeminant collapse


Senior Member
This video tells what occurs after the two
character Jesus reincarnated and the reinvesting of the character known as Darth Vader, takes place in the 19 to 2000nds. Where this is a chore to explain that both Darth Vader was real, but in the time allocated was a changed person that tried to help this society, it is the later-on,. on the dial of events which shows the danger that some timelines are starting to get into.

Jesus reincarnated did not like the New World Order. And for protection sake, did not like a certain president. His wife Mary Magdalene, after surviving the crucifixion and moving to India,. was a bitch. For this reason, he became married and suffered in this allocated timeline. Darth Vader still had relations with his old neighborhood in the star Systems scheme of things. Because Earth somehow became kill crazy, when it was determined under new galactic law, to be termed as a hub-planet, Earthlings who in some sense of the word were desperate zealots, mistook his legend and distorted it, for purposes of superiority.

Vader before he became a star lord, was a kind and resourceful person. The trouble with him was that he worked for his father the Emperor and was also royalty."They don't tell you this in the allocated time allotment. All Earthlings wanted to do was to get power and money off his story. It's almost the same racket with the name of Jesus.Where the reincarnation of Jesus was asked about performing miracles, with the way issues were termed as being, "crazy today", simply said "Been there, done that".

The danger future hierarchies ran into, is that Lord Vader still had relations back in his old places and these being were undergoing evolution. Some where cyborgs.Please hang with me on this, as what starts to occur on Earth are known as super-populations. This phenomenon occurs when too many people are on a planet for it's own good. There was also a danger by something that was like or similar to the series Star Trek Borgs, but Earthlings did not realize just how close they were to this.

Jesus and Vader's reincarnation got to know one another. Vader even helped Jesus No.2 recover from jail, due to a threat he made against a not well liked president. Where Vader did fail, is that he could not effectively proactively affect his situation, thus Earth's situation till later on.

So the danger of a mass invasion to Earth's status was very, very, real, but the heiarchy just did not realize this.

The key points for Earth's survival were, that the space shuttle should have been used to make Early space colonies and sections of the population moved off, till more green was present. 2.What is in-coded now, is that the Gray aliens, some sorts of them, actually tried to help Earthlings then within the Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal Children being born into Earth society, as this act reflects back to the caution zones, millions of years ago, in some Grays to where their societies were in danger.

This realization was handed to this hybrids, although most humans in the allotted zone, did not realize who, what they were or what they were trying to do.

What is going on, because of the dangers of eminent collapse after the 49s into the 50s to 75s zone, is the need to eat meat and what is really available, are humans as food. H.G. Wells had seen this, as his brain had the ability to go into the future, but again, he too was misunderstood.

So the 1900s and 2000rds. do care, but really don't care about the futures problems.The future almost can't be un-goofed-upped re-engineered, because of this society distorting both Jesus and Darth Vader's legend.

This seems all goofed upped upside-down, however this is the mixed, remodulated truth of how and then. Relayed by D. Talger Bn195 outpost 20, double replicated, so don't try to get at the message in your time. Worthless fu*ks, I' sorry but it's the truth.

Proof as request on Borg-like beings. Go to the Star Trek Enterprise sires episode, (Regeneration).Find this video and then go to the part in this episode where the Earth spacecraft overflies the article during the snow storm, at the very beginning of the story. If you're time sensitive, you should either hear or feel a click, starting as soon as this Earth ship appears and then just before it goes out of view.
This occurs at this is almost if not already going to happen.Your civilization here, is in big as*ed trouble.
