Negative Spaces Around The Body Controlled By Our Mind


Time Travel Professor
Negative Spaces Around The Body Controlled By Our Mind - The brain’s perception of space can determine whether a part of a body which occupies that space is either healthy or “neglected”.

Lorimer Moseley, Chair in Physiotherapy and Professor of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of South Australia, describes recent outcomes of research into spatial perception of people with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) as “profound”.


CRPS is a disorder that can develop after a minor injury occurs to a limb and results in abnormal or severe pain developing out of proportion to the nature of the injury. Other problems also result, for example blood flow problems in which the painful arm or leg goes cold and blue, grows too much hair and stays swollen.

In a series of experiments using thermal imaging cameras, changes in the temperature of the hands of people with CRPS were recorded as they moved them across their body midline.

When only the affected hand was crossed over the midline, it became warmer and when only the healthy hand was crossed over the midline, it became cooler.

The temperature change of either hand was positively related to its distance from the body midline and crossing the affected hand over the body midline had small but significant effects on both spontaneous pain (which was reduced) and the sense of ownership over the hand (which was increased).

Professor Moseley said the results of this research indicated that CRPS involves more complex neurological dysfunction than has previously been considered.

“We conclude that impaired spatial perception modulated temperature of the limbs, tactile processing, spontaneous pain and the sense of ownership over the hands.

“This means that the problem that is occurring with the limb relates to the brain process that maps something into a space. It’s almost as though the brain has rejected the space which the limb inhabits.

"In strokes it’s called spatial neglect. This problem with space affects the way blood is sent to the body.

If you remove the hand or limb away from that side of space it warms up.

“When you put a healthy hand into the negative space it cools down; the map of space is influencing the rules by which blood flows. Our current finding is clear evidence of the autonomic nervous system being influenced by the brain’s map of space.

“The space itself has adopted the signature of the disorder. This is a profound discovery, it’s a clear physiological phenomena.

“This midline effect changes how much the patient feels the arm belongs to them and how much it hurts.”

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Negative Spaces Around The Body Controlled By Our Mind - The brain’s perception of space can determine whether a part of a body which occupies that space is either healthy or “neglected”.

Lorimer Moseley, Chair in Physiotherapy and Professor of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of South Australia, describes recent outcomes of research into spatial perception of people with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) as “profound”.


CRPS is a disorder that can develop after a minor injury occurs to a limb and results in abnormal or severe pain developing out of proportion to the nature of the injury. Other problems also result, for example blood flow problems in which the painful arm or leg goes cold and blue, grows too much hair and stays swollen.

In a series of experiments using thermal imaging cameras, changes in the temperature of the hands of people with CRPS were recorded as they moved them across their body midline.

When only the affected hand was crossed over the midline, it became warmer and when only the healthy hand was crossed over the midline, it became cooler.

The temperature change of either hand was positively related to its distance from the body midline and crossing the affected hand over the body midline had small but significant effects on both spontaneous pain (which was reduced) and the sense of ownership over the hand (which was increased).

Professor Moseley said the results of this research indicated that CRPS involves more complex neurological dysfunction than has previously been considered.

“We conclude that impaired spatial perception modulated temperature of the limbs, tactile processing, spontaneous pain and the sense of ownership over the hands.

“This means that the problem that is occurring with the limb relates to the brain process that maps something into a space. It’s almost as though the brain has rejected the space which the limb inhabits.

"In strokes it’s called spatial neglect. This problem with space affects the way blood is sent to the body.

If you remove the hand or limb away from that side of space it warms up.

“When you put a healthy hand into the negative space it cools down; the map of space is influencing the rules by which blood flows. Our current finding is clear evidence of the autonomic nervous system being influenced by the brain’s map of space.

“The space itself has adopted the signature of the disorder. This is a profound discovery, it’s a clear physiological phenomena.

“This midline effect changes how much the patient feels the arm belongs to them and how much it hurts.”
s reminds me of people who have had amputated legs and some can still feel it they call it ghost leg it think , and for extra strangeness have you ever felt i tiny cold spot on your arm thinking it was rain and yet you cant see any water but it felt like the size of a pin tip


Time Travel Professor
Yes, you are 100% correct Steve in your current post.

Kirlian photography you can see the human body parts.

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Time Travel Professor
What is Kirlian Photography? The Science and the Myth Revealed
November 14, 2012 by Rachael Towne

Kirlian photography, although the study of which can be traced back to the late 1700s, was officially invented in 1939 by Semyon Davidovitch Kirlian. The Kirlian photographic process reveals visible “auras” around the objects photographed. These photographs have been the subject of much myth and controversy over the years. Interestingly, much of which was initially put forth to explain the Kirlian photography phenomena was put forth by the inventor himself, along with his wife.

The process of taking a Kirlian photo is a fairly simple one and does not even require the use of a camera. First, a sheet of photographic film is placed on top of a metal plate. Then, the object that is to be photographed is placed on top of the film. To create the initial exposure, high voltage current is applied to the metal plate. The electrical coronal discharge between the object and the metal plate is captured on the film. The Kirlian photograph, which shows a light, glowing silhouette around the photographed object, becomes visible as a result of developing the film.

Although the Kirlians invented this photographic process in 1939, they didn’t publicly release information about their experiments until 1958, and Kirlian photography wasn’t a well-known phenomenon to the general public until 1970.

quarter3 by nebarnix, on Flickr

The Myth of Kirlian Photography

The first mythical explanations put forth about Kirlian photography were suggested by the Kirlians themselves. They believed that these photographs were depicting the actual life-force or “aura” that many people believe surrounds all living things. New Age spiritualists attribute huge importance to the aura and believe that specially trained aura-readers can provide important insights into a person’s spiritual, emotional and physical state. The Kirlians were convinced that these photos could accurately predict emotional and physical states and could be used to diagnose illnesses.

The assertion that Kirlian photographs could depict emotional and physical states was quickly adopted by energy practitioners. While the use of Kirlian photography has largely fallen by the wayside as a diagnostic tool these days, there are still alternative practitioners who believe in it as an accurate way to help those who seek their services for healing all kinds of conditions both emotional and physical.

Kirlian photography has been a staple of paranormal research for some time as well. In the 1960s and 1970s paranormal researchers connected it to many types of unexplained phenomena, one of which was telepathy. Researchers proposed that telepathy was the result of people’s auras communicating together.

The Science of Kirlian Photography

It can be hard to separate the fact versus the fiction when it comes to Kirlian photography, since these photos are very real and do clearly show some phenomenon at work. However, the fact that these glowing auras are seen around non-living objects as well as living objects in Kirlian photos is often simply ignored by those who want to believe in the supernatural explanation.

fingerprints by nebarnix, on Flickr

So if the glowing auras seen in Kirlian photography aren’t really caused by something spiritual, paranormal or our “life-energy” then what are they caused by?

The answer is water.

The high-voltage frequency applied to the metal plate rips the electrons off of atoms. The air around the photographed object becomes ionized. If that air contains any water, the resulting image will show the glowing silhouette around the object, which scientists actually call a “corona plasma discharge”.

When a person is sweating more due to being overheated, or excited in some way, Kirlian photographs taken of their hands at that time will show a larger more intense glow due to the increased moisture. Conversely, cold dry hands will produce an image which shows a weaker glow. Despite the ready availability of this accurate scientific explanation, New Age proponents of Kirlian photography will still argue that the person whose hands showed a larger, brighter glow is a natural healer when they are really just sweaty.

fingertip by nebarnix, on Flickr

Factors other than humidity which can influence the final image include the pressure and angle of your hand touching the metal plate as well as the amount of voltage. Kirlian photographs taken of the exact same person can be very different taken only minutes apart due to these variables.

A very well-known Kirlian photography experiment documents a leaf as it slowly dies. The initial photograph was taken when the leaf was freshly cut and shows a prominent glow. As the leaf gets older more photos are taken, which show that the glow is starting to weaken. This was once explained away with the life-force theory. However, we now know that the weakening of the glow is simply a result of the leaf losing water and drying up over time.

Ivy Leaf by nebarnix, on Flickr

In another experiment involving a leaf, an initial photo is taken which shows the usual strong glow or aura. Then, part of the leaf is torn away. Surprisingly, a ghostly glowing trace of the missing part of the leaf showed up on the film. For years this result was considered more proof of some sort of “life-force”. In reality though, it was simply a result of some moisture residue left on the glass. If the residue is completely removed prior to photographing the leaf again, the phantom glow does not appear.

One final scientific observation to point out is that the Kirlian effect simply doesn’t happen in a vacuum since there is no water vapor, which prevents ionization.

In Conclusion

While the mystical and paranormal explanations for the glow in Kirlian photographs have been debunked, the truth may be just as interesting as fiction to the more scientifically minded. Its potential for studying certain aspects of life are being explored scientifically.

Also, there are a few artists using Kirlian photography to create beautiful images of what has been called “living art”. Like other forms of artistic expression such as traditional photography, this should and will be explored to its fullest.

life force in a quarter by nebarnix, on Flickr


Time Travel Professor
Kirlian Photography: Building Your Own Equipment


What is Kirlian Photography?

Kirlian photography is a high voltage, contact print photography.

Kirlian photography is named after Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife Valentina who began their work with high voltage photography in 1939. Kirlian collaborated with his wife for over 30 years developing equipment and studying electro-photography.

Kirlian's work was first made known to the general public in this country by a book published in 1970 by Shelia Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder titled "Psychic discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain". Kirlian work became so well know that the field of high voltage electro-photography is called Kirlian Photography.

Although Kirlian wasn't the first to study electro-photography. The field of electro-photography can be traced back to the late 1700s. At this time Georg Christoph Lictenberg noted the pictures made in dust create by static electricity and electric sparks. Nicola Tesla (1880) photographed many corona discharges using his famous Tesla coil. In the early 1900s, Russian researcher Yakov Narkevich-Todka exhibited electro photographs he had made. A little later, Dr. F.F. Strong of Tufts University Medical School used a Tesla coil to make electro-photographs of his hand.

Making Kirlian Photographs

The process is simple. Sheet film is placed on top of a metal plate, called the discharge or film plate. The object to photograph is placed on top of the film. If the object to be Kirlian photographed is inanimate, such as a coin or leaf, a earth ground is connected to the object. See figure 1 below. High voltage is applied to the plate momentarily to make an exposure. The corona discharge between the object and discharge plate passes through and is recorded onto the film. When the film is developed you have a Kirlian photograph of the object.

The Kirlian process, being a contact print process, doesn't require the use of a camera or lens. However when a transparent electrode is substituted for the discharge plate it is possible to use a standard camera (with a bulb setting) or video camera.


Figure 1
Paranormal Claims

I was first introduced to Kirlian photography, by the book titled "Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" by Shelia Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder in the early 1970's. In it many paranormal claims were made concerning the resulting Kirlian images. For instances, it was said that the Kirlian photograph could foretell illness in plants and animals before physical manifestations of the disease became apparent. I have experimented with Kirlian photography over the years. I have not observed any "paranormal" evidence of this phenomena.

One must keep in mind that most observable Kirlian phenomena does not require any paranormal or bio-plasma field to be explained. For instance, stress or the "act of lying" can easily be detected with a lie detector that relies on measuring the change in a person's galvanic skin resistance. Stress may also be seen in a Kirlian photograph as a change in the corona discharge (aura), however this change is easily explained by the change in a person's skin resistance without the need of evoking any metaphysical properties.

The Phantom Leaf Experiment

The one observed phenomena and, the most amazing claim (in my opinion) is known as the "phantom leaf" experiment. Here a small portion of a leaf is cut off; the leaf is then photographed using Kirlian photography. In a small percentage of cases the cut portion of the leaf appears in the photograph as a ghostly apparition. The appearance of the cut portion of the leaf, as claimed by the Soviet researchers is proof of an ethereal bio-plasma body.

Although a few Kirlian researchers have claimed to duplicate the phantom leaf experiment in their own labs, the most reported successful results (phantom leaf photographs) are from Soviet researchers. The exact experimental parameters (voltage, frequency, etc) needed to obtain phantom leafs are either not available or didn't work for me.

Kirlian Photography Devices for Sale on the Internet

There are Kirlian devices being sold on the internet today. To sell their devices the corona discharge in the resulting kirlian photograph is claimed to be paranormal or hold information that can be decrypted by the company's Kirlian researchers. All my research to date shows the corona discharge can be explained by employing known physical laws, like changes in subjects skin resistance (due to factors like; stress-lying, illness, fatigue, alcohol consumption, etc) without the necessity of invoking paranormal (bio-plasma) factors. Some other variable factors influencing the resulting Kirlian picture including the object's pressure against film, air humidity, air pressure, voltage, frequency, and exposure time.

This company also sells Kirlian devices and components, but we do not make any "paranormal" claims to try to sell our devices. Our devices are sold to make brilliant Kirlian photographs. If one wants to do research with our devices that fine also. Just know we make no claim that any interpretation of the corona discharge is due to anything other than standard variable physical parameters as outlined previously.

Building a basic manual Kirlian device

The next page we will begin the construction of a simple manual kirlian device. This device uses a battery power supply, high voltage ignition coild, copper clad board and a handful of components.


Time Travel Professor
Building a Simple Kirlian Photography Device

The Kirlian device we are building uses a HV transformer. It is battery powered, but don't let that lull you into a false sense of safety. The Kirlian device generates pulses of high voltage that can provide a nasty shock. Still an advantage of being battery powered is portability.

In addition we will build a transparent electrode that allows one to use a standard camera (with bulb setting) to capture Kirlian images.

The schematic is shown in Figure 2. A completed circuit can be seen below the schematic. This is a simple manual device. It uses very few components. You would be hard pressed to find a simpler device that works as well. The prototype is built on a single piece of wood measuring *" x 10" x ¾" thick (see photo). The batteries B1 and B2 are 67.5-volt photo (instrument) batteries wired in series to produce 135 volts.


Figure 2


If the photo batteries are not available you may want to try wiring 10 or more 9-volt batteries in series. The discharge will not be as intense, but it will work. Another option is to take the output from a 120V/24V step down transformer connected to a voltage quadrupler. With the 24V (AC) output wired to a voltage multiplier (4x), the unit should produce about 100 volts that can be used for the power supply for this Kirlian device.

The capacitors C1-C4 are wired in parallel as shown in Figure 2.

The transformer T1 is a high voltage auto-transformer. Auto as in self-inductive, not auto, like automobile. The T1 transformer has three wires coming out of it: two enamel wires and one green insulated wire from the center. The green insulated wire is the high voltage wire that connects to the discharge plate. The two enamel wires are the primary wires that are connected to switch SW1. There is no polarity with the enamel wires. So it doesn't matter which enamel wire is connected to the switch, and which is connected to the capacitors. Either way the circuit will function properly.


Figure 3
The toggle switch SW1 is a single pole double throw "momentary" contact. The switch has solder wires on the bottom, see Figure 3. This particular switch doesn't lock or stay in the opposite position. A built in spring immediately brings the switch back to its original position. To operate the device, toggle the switch on and off. When the switch is in the "on" position, it closes a current path to the HV transformer and capacitor bank.

The switch is important and must be wired correctly to obtain maximum benefit. Looking at the schematic shows how the switch appears in its resting state. In the resting state the batteries are disconnected from the circuit. This preserves the life of the batteries. Also the discharge path from the capacitors is closed. This prevents a potential shock hazard from being stored in the capacitors, to be unleashed on an unsuspecting experimenter.

To mount the switch to the board a metal battery clip (9-volt) is used, see parts list. The clip is bent to make a U shape as shown in Figure 3. The center hole in the clip is enlarged to fit the switch SW1. A hole is drilled in each ear of the clip to secure it to the board with two wood screws. The switch is secured to the clip, and then the assembly is secured to the board.

Below is an example of a photograph taken with the Kirlian device.



Time Travel Professor
Sheet film used for Kirlian Photography


Black & White Film

Kodalith 2556 Ortho film type 3 is a high contrast B/W graphics arts film available in a 4" x 5" sheets. This film is perfect for beginners because you can use a red safelight and not work in complete darkness. If a safelight isn't readily available you can try using a red LED, neon lamp or wrap red acetate plastic over a dim 4 watt bulb.

I advise all beginners to start with black and white ortho film. It is less costly and easier to work with than color sheet film. You also have the opportunity to develop the film to get immediate feedback. Someone who starts off shooting color film must wait to get the film develop to see what has been recorded.

Developing B/W ortho film is easy. The chemistry works quickly and is simple and forgiving. You only need two chemicals; developer and fixer. A stop bath is usually employed in between these two steps, but isn't absolutely necessary.

Black and White (film or prints) is not as spectacular as color. The experience one gains by being able to observe all the steps under a safelight is invaluable when one has to work in complete darkness with color film. Using a high voltage power supply in the dark can be a pretty daunting task, so it's best to familiarize yourself with the process in the least costly manner.

Color Film – Daylight or Tungsten Balance
Color film requires exposures to be made in total darkness. Working in total darkness can be a problem. Sometimes I sandwich the color film between two black opaque sheets of paper in total darkness, then turn on the safelight. After I make my exposure, I turn off the safelight and place the film in a light tight box for development in total darkness.

Both tungsten balance and daylight film give striking color transparencies. The tungsten balance film usually produces colors in the yellows, oranges and reds. Daylight film usually produces colors in the blues and greens.

Daylight Type Sheet Film

Tungsten Balanced Sheet Film

Making Exposures Using Sheet Film
What you are photographing determines whether or not the object involved should be grounded.

Whenever you photograph a living subject (person, animal or pet) under no circumstances should that subject be grounded or be allowed to touch a ground during exposure. Being in contact with a ground will lead to a nasty shock. Further, anyone with a heart condition or pacemaker should consult with their primary care physician before photographing or allowing themselves to be photographed using this Kirlian device.

When photographing an inanimate object such as a coin, keys, leaf, etc. then connect a ground to the object. Grounding the object produces a stronger corona discharge. You can use a natural ground by connecting a wire to an earth ground, such as a cold water pipe. Or you can use a circuit ground by connecting a wire to point B (see Figure 2) to the object.


Figure 4

Figure 4 illustrates the overview for making an exposure. In some cases you might place a flat sheet of glass (or plastic) on top of the object to make the object lay flat on the film and discharge plate.

Whether you're working with black and white or color film, place the film emulsion side up on the discharge plate. Place the object you are photographing on top of the film. If the object is inanimate, connect a ground wire to it. Flick the switch SW1 about 10-20 times. Each time the switch is flicked you should see a discharge between the object and the discharge plate. This is what is being recorded on the film. Proper exposure is determined by trial and error, making adjustments accordingly.

Often times one uses B/W sheet film to determine the proper exposure then switch to a color sheet film for the final shoot. Black and White ortho has the advantages of being able to work using a red safe light and easily developed.

If you would like to use a standard 35mm camera or video camera to record Kirlian pictures it is possible, but you need to construct a transparent electrode.

The 35mm camera should be a single lens reflex (SLR) type with one or two close-up (macro) lens. In addition the camera needs to have a Bulb (B) setting on its shutter speeds. The B setting keeps the shutter open for as long as the shutter is held down.

Photographers typically use a cable release connected to the shutter to make B exposures. Most cable releases can be set to keep the shutter close when first pressed. The cable has a release mechanism the photographer hits to release the cable and allow the shutter to close after the exposure is made.
