Nutrinos and Tachyons


Senior Member
Neutrinos can be created in several ways, including in certain types of radioactive decay, in nuclear reactions such as those that take place in the Sun, in nuclear reactors, when cosmic rays hit atoms and in supernovae.

It is a useless item by the UFO people since it cannot be used for anything, forget about it for now. I think, one area can be used to see the edge of the Universe since neutrinos keep coming from that area easily....

On the otherhand, Tachyons that travels faster than speed of light could be related to nutrinos in building a tachyon. (In 1985 Chodos et al. proposed that neutrinos can have a tachyonic nature)

Once one does that, you could use it for heavy duty Fusion reactions and open up space to send and receive matter. It is a dangorous area and so managed it, otherwise one can use it for heavy duty destructive structures. We can use Tachyons for communication too....for long distances.
