Debate Open challenge


Active Member
If I were a time traveler, I wouldn't care less about half of your wealth, or a thousand times your wealth, or wealth in general.

What is paper compared to time travel?


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Power is an opportunity to facilitate and harvest evil. The more power, the greater opportunity for evil to flourish.

Time travel is POWERFUL.

This is why I think time travel should only be used for things that are positive, beneficial, and not for trite affairs or particularly selfish interests. If you're not actually helping a situation or persons, if you are not governing yourself as per rights and responsibility, then it presents a general inherent risk, and is probably not worth the bother. If you are not doing something righteous with it, then the opportunity for evil is too great to justify the endeavor.


Active Member
This thread is about money as a motive to use time travel. It sparks some good food for thought in terms of motives and ethics..

Think like a time traveler. What do you need money for?

If your mission or purpose is righteous in nature, other than a basic but comfortable life style/living expenses and whatever funding you need to facilitate your mission, you don't need money.

Consider a hypothetical mission....

A family of good honest people suffers for a couple generations with a root cause being a father getting ripped off on a business deal. So your mission is to go back and offer another, much better deal at just the right time. You aren't doing anything malicious or violating anyone. You are simply working the local market and setting him up with a better deal that makes up for whatever losses he incurred, and then some.

You may need a few hundred thousand dollars to pump into the local market, just enough to establish a turn-key type business. You are going to need whatever money to have a place to stay, groceries, clothes, transportation, etc. You may need a miscellaneous disposable income of some kind to facilitate the mission, maybe a vacation for the year or two you're there in that time period.

So it is perceivable that you can make semi-regular trips to race tracks and other gambling venues, or use whatever 'honest' nonviolent means of manipulating time for money. Whatever to facilitate without complications of the normal 9-5. Beyond that, what else would you need money for?

Once you go beyond that, you can easily get greedy and stupid with it, start trying to control things and seek power, stealing, etc. The greedier you get and the more you need to feed that monster, the greater impact you have, ...and since your purpose is no longer so righteous, it is a negative overall impact on the time line.

At some point, the effects of you being there would be more of a detriment than a benefit, thus no longer justifying the mission, therefore it is important to understand the dangers of wielding such power as time travel when considering the selfish element of human nature.

I don't think it is something that would be resolved with stringent rules per se', but rather self governance through understanding and ethical standard values that enable discernment.


Active Member
Lemme simplify that;

If you're busy getting greedy with money, and not whatever assistance you are trying to provide, then you're probably wasting time making things worse, not better.


I don't see either how money would motivate a time traveler to show himself .


Time Travel Professor
I dropped you off last year and you still have not paid me.
Where did you drop me buddy??
I apparently left you in the wrong timeline, it was supposed to be the one where you were wealthy. My mistake

Dr Zaius

I would like to give you some advice:

It is my opinion that you’re too stupid to be a competent time traveler. You are a real danger to yourself, the next time you try time traveling and mis-set your time machine controls, you could easily end up a T-Rex meal on the wrong timeline.

So please be advised it’s time to pond your Time Machine and stick to less dangerous vehicles like: bicycles, mopeds and gradually work up to small cars, you just might die of old age, should you take this advice.

Professor Opmmur
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Dr Zaius

Junior Member
I dropped you off last year and you still have not paid me.
Where did you drop me buddy??
I apparently left you in the wrong timeline, it was supposed to be the one where you were wealthy. My mistake

Dr Zaius

I would like to give you some advice:

It is my opinion that you’re too stupid to be a competent time traveler. You are a real danger to yourself, the next time you try time traveling and mis-set your time machine controls, you could easily end up a T-Rex meal on the wrong timeline.

So please be advised it’s time to pond your Time Machine and stick to less dangerous vehicles like: bicycles, mopeds and gradually work up to small cars, you just might die of old age, should you take this advice.

Professor Opmmur
Perhaps you need to re-tune your ability to perceive jokes. What kind of professor calls people "stupid"?
