Paris Terror Attacks Unfortunate Preview of the Consequence of Open Borders — U.S. Next?


Think outside the mind
France is once again the target of terrible terrorist attacks that most likely are going to be the work of the Islamic State, the terrorist organization that is sweeping through the Middle East committing atrocities and largely unchecked by anyone, especially the United States, its first and foremost recognized enemy. This latest string of attacks was clearly coordinated, showing that this was not a flash in the pan lone wolf thing, but a planned attack. It has nothing to do with military personnel or police, but regular, ordinary citizens doing the things that regular, ordinary citizens do, like going to a concert hall, enjoying a meal in a nice restaurant, or going about their daily business.

The scene in Paris is terrible, but it’s still a world away from Americans. How long before it comes home?

What is so terrifying about these terror attacks is just how easy they were to perpetrate. This is not a complicated operation; France lets “refugees” walk right into their country, and it is not difficult for Islamic terrorists to find their way in. Given their location, it is not even a long journey. As this is now the second time this is happening, though this appears to be much worse than the first, it can only make everyone wonder how long before this type of terror makes its way to the United States with more coordination and more frequency. After all, the United States has a very famous (or infamous) border control problem that is actually made even more famous by its constant mentioning my political candidates in a very emotional presidential race coming up in 2016. It’s not a secret that America is pretty easy to get into, and they will even help you out once you get there. If you are an Islamic terrorist, the road is paved. The only question that can be asked is why it hasn’t already become commonplace for these types of situations to happen in America. What could be the reasons?

Well, there are a few that make a lot of sense if you really think about it. For starters, the Islamic State has a friend in President Barack Obama, and they aren’t about to upset that delicate relationship. Now, we’re not going crazy conspiracy here and saying that President Obama is a Muslim and is secretly on their side and trying to turn America over to the Islamic State. That’s silly talk. What he is doing is a whole lot of nothing to check there reign of terror across the Middle East. Heck, the Islamic State even threatened to come to the White House and kill Obama’s children, which didn’t seem to fire him up either. The bottom line is that until 2017 when a new president takes over, the Islamic State has free reign to do whatever they like in the Middle East, and the only way they could mess that up is to execute something like the attacks in Paris in America, forcing even a docile President Obama to go on the offensive. They are too smart to do that. If a Republican president takes over in 2017, expect terrible things to happen. IS will know that they are going to feel the wrath, so they will work hard to strike first. If a Democrat takes over, quite likely it will continue as it is now until they are so strong that they just don’t care anymore, which is closer than you might think. So, in a roundabout way, President Obama is keeping America safe by doing nothing, but it is kind of like punting the football to the other team and hoping that they don’t score on the next possession.

Another reason that IS might be a little unwilling to unleash these kinds of attacks in America is that the country is infamously armed. In Paris, the attackers knew they were not going to encounter any kind of armed resistance in the early stages before police or military arrived on the scene. In America, especially in the southern states that are more readily accessible from the Mexico border, this is probably not going to be the case. Despite repeated attempts at gun control, America continues to be open season for gun carriers. Now IS is not worried about getting caught or dying at the hands of anyone while executing these attacks. What they are worried about is being embarrassed. To go off on one of these tangents and have an angry Texan simply gun you down is not going to have the resonance that these attacks in Paris will have, and remember that their prime goal above all is to cause fear.

Even if America or France decides to close the borders now and stop making it so easy to have their citizens end up target practice for Islamic terrorists, it is likely too late. People with these goals are already here in America, and they are just waiting for the right moment or signal to strike. Closing the borders would be a good way to help protect citizens in the future, but it won’t change the fact that the damage is already done. Unfortunately, the scenes Americans are watching unfold in France are just a preview of what is to come in their own homeland, and it’s a shame that no one is doing anything at all to try to prevent it.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


I don't believe everything Common Sense Conspiracy tells us. In fact, about 50%, if not, more is misinformation. For instance, they've just implied here that Obama is not Muslim. But it is really quite evident that he is. For instance, if he were a real Christian, he wouldn't be siding with the Muslim nations against Israel, but he would have supported Israel.

I also think most Democrats and establishment Republicans who aren't Muslim are secretly atheists who appear to be religious Christians/Jews to cover up their socialist/communist leanings. And those include former Presidents like Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. None of them were Jewish, but I hope you get my point.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Hello Classical. I cannot judge on your assertive comment for having absolutely no knowledge on Obama's plans and to what extent his supposed preferences on the political game would really have a relevant impact on this coward killing.
Most probably I am commenting in a pc way like Walt Willis posted. If so, I apologize in advance, my friends.
Before hand I admire the direct way Classical comment was posted, its straightforwardness that smells like sincerity. Although it really is a complicated issue cause we are dealing with fanatics who do not value life.
I remember that taking a civilian for a terrorist a brazilian was killed by the french police.This happened some 8 years ago.. Of course we mourn for this death. But alternatively we cannot disregard to understand a mistake.
So much complicated is this issue. It is like beating about the bush (repeating what is known) considering that terrorized by these crazy fanatics authorities may make mistakes and people in general will develop a paranoia- a justified paranoia cause The danger is Imminent.
Well I am sad at the news cause I think these acts of terror have an extremely bad impact on the world community and I wonder how much pain family folks and friends of these killed people are going through.
Thank heavens we brazilians are saved from suspicions on that. We are a Christian society which is tired of being robbed by our own politicians who at least spare us from sudden death exploiting us little by little. But I am downhearted by this attack. I like the band Eagles and probably I would be killed if I were in Paris then.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
this is how it all starts

Been thinking about it since I watched the video. The immigration problem in biblical terms cause Europe has been invaded. Got to see the other side of the coin. I noticed that those pro uncontrolled immigration will defend their ideas tagging others who think differently as people filled with bias taken over by xenophobic feelings.
But that is not the point.
After watching the current video and discussed with 2 history teachers I reached the conclusion that the seemingly assertive post is far away from being over reactive.
Europe for europeans an uncontrolled immigration may bring about serious problems. One basic problem relates to Europe hegemony. Not mentioning social problems inexistent so far.
Is Europe ready to cope with the new social problems that originates from a poor mass of unemployed homeless people. And what if the authorities make up their minds and keep the wild dog within a controlled leash. My take is not a radical one. But it seems so crystal clear that european borders must be more strict into allowing 'anyone to get through'. It seem obvious stuff and the current original post viewed by the lens of reason is not that conspiratorial as it looks like.
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Senior Member
this is how it all starts

Been thinking about it since I watched the video. The immigration problem in biblical terms cause Europe has been invaded. Got to see the other side of the coin. I noticed that those pro uncontrolled immigration will defend their ideas tagging others who think differently as people filled with bias taken over by xenophobic feelings.
But that is not the point.
After watching the current video and discussed with 2 history teachers I reached the conclusion that the seemingly assertive post is far away from being over reactive.
Europe for europeans an uncontrolled immigration may bring about serious problems. One basic problem relates to Europe hegemony. Not mentioning social problems inexistent so far.
Is Europe ready to cope with the new social problems that originates from a poor mass of unemployed homeless people. And what if the authorities make up their minds and keep the wild dog within a controlled leash. My take is not a radical one. But it seems so crystal clear that european borders must be more strict into allowing 'anyone to get through'. It seem obvious stuff and the current original post viewed by the lens of reason is not that conspiratorial as it looks like.
One of the major problems we have in Europe, is finding out who the people are that are NOT asylum seekers, and are only coming over here purely to live off our very generous welfare benefits..It is this problem that is causing huge build ups of refugees in Europe, while the governments have to sift through every application to find out if they are real asylum seekers or not...Angele Merkel the German chancellor was mainly responsible for these huge amounts of people trying to get to Europe, when she quite literally said that Germany "welcomed" these refugees..(she has now changed her stance!)


Not meaning to sound insensitive. I just feel we should all close our borders to EVERYONE temporarily as a security measure. No race/religion involved. We need to be on high alert. I understand it's a tough situation. Refugees need help, but allowing everyone in at the same time can get more people killed. Could military bases out there set up refugee camps, or is that too creepy?
