Media Pentagon admits they have lost control to Independent Media like Drudge


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This shows that Independent Media is having an impact on the U.S. Government. People are waking up to the truth...slowly, but surely! It's important to keep up with the real news. Be informed at:

Pentagon says they have lost control to independent media led by Drudge: Alex lays out the U.S. government’s struggle to maintain a semblance of credibility in the face of independent media persistently exposing them for the pathological liars they are. (10:37 minutes into the Video)

(Drudge Report quote around 14:00; Staff Sgt. Hostutler speaks near 27:30) [Underline emphasis mine.]

Government Promises to Stop Lying Because of Drudge Report Spotlight: Pentagon

Shows the power of the real media in breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall

July 28, 2013 - In a groveling public display earlier this week, the Department of Defense announced plans to increase its public affairs efforts due to the devastating effect independent media is having on the Pentagon’s ability to control its news, more specifically, its ability to quash negative news stories before they go viral.

On Thursday, the DoD bemoaned and the fact that, because of citizen journalists, social media and other online platforms reporting news in real time, the public is more quickly becoming aware of the constant patterns of contradictions and habitual lying by a government long ago captured by a group of corrupt interests.

“..we cannot hide our bad news stories. Bad news gets out one way or the other and we must come to terms with telling bad stories as well as the good,” the secretary of defense for public affairs, George Little, stated at the Defense Media Activity’s headquarters on Fort Meade in Maryland.
“When bad things happen, the American people should hear it from us, not as a scoop on the Drudge Report,” Little said.

When it came time for a brief question and answer segment, Staff Sgt Hostutler, a junior enlisted member of Air Force production, highlighted that many in her position feel that, as a result of recent spates of negative publicity, the American people are just not buying their stories anymore, making it difficult to execute positive spin effectively.
“My question is: you mentioned that we need to start telling the story about the bad news as well as the good, and the issue I see that we’re facing… It seems like we have this culture in our career to kinda glaze over these issues and put out this positive press, and “No, our jets are fine,” and so with the good and the bad, I don’t think the American people actually trust us to deliver accurate information.
“What’s the plan to change that in the way ahead, because to continue the way we have, to continue to put that positive spin, it feels like we’re losing a lot of our audience because they’re not listening, because we keep saying the same thing over, everything is okay, and it’s not…
“… Is there a plan to kinda change the way that we think? Because as it is, a lot of people, from what I can see, are going through, “We’re putting out mindless propaganda,” is what some of us feel that we’re putting out and what the American people feel that we’re putting out, so how do we change this?”

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Related: U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans
