Police in Wisconsin Disperse SWAT Team for Dog Poop — Execute Dog Running Away Harmlessly


Think outside the mind
The police in Racine, Wisconsin don’t play about dog poop. If you call in with reports that a neighbor’s dog is dropping off a little gift in your yard, these brave soldiers of law enforcement will come out in force to put that criminal away for good.
This is the seventh report of this we’ve had in the last few weeks in America. Why are police suddenly killing dogs like it’s a school shooting? Have police decided that due to Ferguson they can’t shoot black people for no reason anymore, so now they have turned to dogs instead to let out their angst?
How long before the white people and children become fair game as well?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


where the wild things are
So many racial overtones with that site and story.


Junior Member
I watched the video clip, and then followed a few of the links posted there.

I saw a story about an 18-month old infant that had been assaulted during a police raid. Before entering a private residence on a drug raid, police tossed in a flash-bang grenade; the grenade landed in a baby's crib where it exploded, causing severe injuries to the child. The child and its parents had been invited to stay at the residence by the legal residents temporarily after a fire damaged their own home.

There was a story about two shooters who staged an armed assault against "police" at a local mall. It said two police officers were killed outside the mall; then the shooters entered the mall, where they killed three more officers. The text accompanying the story didn't provide the clearest description I've ever read. My use of quotes around the word police above was because it didn't specify who the police victims referred to were; municipal police, local sheriff's deputies, or private security -- mall cops. To me, 5 cops in close proximity to each other seems like a lot, unless there was a more going on than just an ordinary day at the mall.

The third story was about a U.S. Marine veteran who was speaking up against current U.S. policy being carried out overseas. Authorities arrested him and had him committed to a mental ward.

I didn't do a lot of exploring around the site to identify what type of political or personal prejudices the site owners ascribed to. That site seems, to me, to post stories submitted to it by individuals that recount the growing authoritarian, unconstitutional actions being taken against Citizens.

The original dog killing uses a cell phone camera to record police assaulting and killing a small dog. If the dog was suspected to have rabies and growled at the police, I suppose some sort of argument might be made that the dog posed a threat to public safety. But one round from a police pistol would have been enough to do the job. The seven or eight gun shots to be heard on the video was clearly a demonstration of use of excessive force. Some might find my characterization humorous, but live gunfire in a residential neighborhood, with bystanders watching, poses a threat to public safety on the part of the police involved. The video shows police shooting into the front yard of a private residence from the street, where the 8-10 police officers involved in the incident, dressed in full riot gear, were crowded and crouched behind a civilian sedan that was parked in front of the residence.

The story about the mall shootings was noteworthy because of comments reportedly made by the shooters. They were to heard to say something about the revolution having begun. The incident occurred in June 2014.

As for the arrest of the Veteran. Law enforcement never had a warrant for any of the actions they took. A private attorney took the matter before a judge who ruled summarily that the police had no cause for violating the civil rights of the Marine and ordered his immediate release.

This is the most disturbing of the stories. As a Veteran who served in the U.S. Army from 1970 to 1972, I know a little bit about what's going on, and it causes a strong reaction. Veterans are those who stand up to protect the Constitution and the way of life that existed in this country back before the Regan era and WW-2 before that. They leave civilian life for a period of time, surrender their Civilian rights under the Constitution and voluntarily subject themselves to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, then place their own life and well being on the line in defense of Constitutional government for the benefit of friends, family, and strangers -- and for their own benefit, if they make it home alive.

The Veteran in the story had made comments on facebook, voicing his personal opinions about what the U.S. government is doing. Upon completing his service, he was no longer subject to the UCMJ; his Constitutional rights were restored. This Veteran, and many, many other returning Veterans, are now undergoing government surveillance. The federal government is actively watching what they do, and harassing those they believe are demonstrating suspicious behavior. The government is worried combat experience may have radicalized some into holding political opinions that threaten the national security state. The government knows the military training and combat experience these Veterans now possess could be used to mount an effective armed insurrection in the right circumstances.

Video and electronic surveillance is an unconstitutional intrusion upon personal liberty if probable cause does not exist and a suitable warrant obtained beforehand. It matters not whether the courts or executive orders rule otherwise, or if authorities have the ability to do so with impunity in today's political climate. The federal government is expressly prohibited from establishing rules and laws that violate the acknowledged rights of the People without first obtaining the agreement of the People and changing the Constitution.

Public safety does not trump the Constitution. The oath taken by every soldier and every public official upon entering service is to protect and defend the Constitution against all its enemies, foreign and domestic, and that includes the usurpers who have been in control of the government since the days of President Truman.
