Predictions of few years ahead


New Member
Re: Predictions of few years ahead

Greetings, would-be fellow travelers:

Well, you don't have to wear a conical hat with yellow stars emblazoned on it and stare into a bowl of water, nor examine the entrails of current events and the cyclical nature of the Papacy to predict a future conflict with Iran. You merely have to consult no less a mystical source than.....GQ Magazine.

Thass' right, folks! The May issue features "The Next War Is Closer Than You Think," by Joshua Kurlantzick including an exclusive interview with Iranian president Mohammad Khatami by first-time GQ writer Hooman Majd.

People dismiss these lad mags (or, as a friend of mine refers to them, "starter porn.") of which GQ is a grandfather, and this issue doesn't even put a comely lass on the cover, unless you consider Hayden Christensen as such. But, inside these publications are often found some of the most compelling journalism.

The feature article makes the case that Bush and the neo-cons have had a long-term strategy for pacifying the Middle East (and by extension assuring U.S. dominance over dwindling oil reserves) and are now beating the drums to topple Iran. The piece doesn't get into larger questions, like, where are the troops going to come from for such an adventure, and, what about Korea? But I don't think the neo-cons can spin Korea in a manner to whip up fury and hate as they can for Iran. Plus, Iran doesn't have the "nookier" capacity. Yet.

So I don't think you'll need to wait until 2012 for a war with Iran. As one official says toward the piece's end, you have a second-term president with nothing to lose and who leads by "instinct." Thinking that a war isn't inevitable, as he phrases it, "naive."

And I don't even think this'll trigger what some here have been running around shouting about "World War III." I think WWIII is happening now, and it's all about trade and finance, but that's another matter. I mean, who will stop the U.S.? Russia? They'll huff and puff but why, after all, is POTUS over there sidling up to Putin (who resembles to me a conniving Siamese cat, and I say this because I am partly owned by a conniving Siamese cat), Europe won't support it, but that's not yet stopped W. Inc., and the UN will issue denunciations, and the government hasn't lost much sleep over that, either. W. is trying to shore up the flank. The s..t is going to come down on Teheran, and probably sooner than later, just in time for either a hand-picked Republican successor or a luckless Democrat who'll be handed a broken economy and a few intractable wars with which to contend. Gee, thanks, but no thanks.

Here's where your civil unrest may enter into the picture. Let compulsory military service get introduced, and lawsy, you'll hear some howling, and the peacemakers will be denounced as anti-American, indeed, this is happening now. Troops going into Iran won't make many in the U.S. happy, either, but, what are we going to do about it? Who knows? Not me. I'm making no claims toward prescience.

See, if the U.S. could muster it up to have more than one political party, we wouldn't be headed into the abysss just now. So here's my advice, coming by way of my father-in-law who lives in Jackson, Mississppi. Mississippi is near or at the bottom of almost every national indicator. So, he tells me, if the world is heading to Hades, then buy land in Mississippi. It'll be the last to go. That should appeal to the survivalists out there.

And a final somewhat tangential note. Not long after 9/11, the Ayn Rand organization ran a full page ad in the New York Times proclaiming that the U.S. needed to invade Iran, sooner not later, because, they claimed, Iran exports the terrorism and harbors the evil-doers, and etc. Not even the Randers wanted to go into Iraq.



Junior Member
Re: Predictions of few years ahead

Why do people always predict bad things, I for one would like to hear a prediction with good things happening. Heres my predictions. Someone famous will die next year, there will be a natural diaster next year which will claim hundreds of lives, Twins joined at the head will be sucessfully separated amd finally a long running comedy show will end after a successful run on T.V.. This is the Enquirer method to telling the future very generic. If people make a prediction be more specific give names and addresses please.


Junior Member
Re: Predictions of few years ahead

\"A lot of people will die in 2007 due to the war with Iran.
I predicted that we would go to war with Iran in 2006.

Just jumping into the conversation off of a comment that was made. Not so much responding to Kid's comment, except in a general sense.

I am much less concerned about Iran, than I am with Iran's backer. Should we go to war with Iran, we will be courting troubles with China. China has been supplying Iran and North Korea with nuclear parts for years. My thoughts on the potential for a third world war are not about the satelites, such as Iraq and Iran, but about the big countries that lie in the shadows and are manipulating events to their advantage.

This is another point that Titor brought up. He mentioned that failures in world politics would give China the confidence to expand. When that happens, we are in the doo doo really bad. At least, that is the way it appears to me.


Senior Member
Re: Predictions of few years ahead

Hi Harry:

Many other people are predicting a war with Iran. I think we are gearing up for a long engagement in the middle east. Using Steven Gibbs HDR I saw a war that keeps getting bigger. And the conditions in the US go from bad to worse. The price of gasoline will go up after the incident in saudi.

Near term predictions.
Demonstrations against Bush when he passes the draft.
Democrat Hitlery Clinton President in 2008.
Russia threatens US in late 2009.
WWIII 2010-2015 Not sure when.

I know that in a jump to 2017 I saw skeletons of buildings.

Hi Pauli:

I agree with you. We are going to be in deep doo doo if we invade Iran.

Hi Omega:

You want a good prediction. In the future we have much better solar technology than now. Silicon is cheap and so are solar cells in the future. So you have an inexpensive way to generate electricity with no greenhouse gases being produced.

I believe that the much of this technology is currently being supressed by big oil, but that will change when people in the developing world start to go solar.

On many timelines electric cars soon appear. The electricity comes from hydro, geothermal, solar, and wind farms. There are wind farms in the future.


Junior Member
Re: Predictions of few years ahead

Thanks hdrkid for the good news, what incident in saudi are you talking about?


Re: Predictions of few years ahead

I believe that the much of this technology is currently being supressed by big oil, but that will change when people in the developing world start to go solar.

Big Oil? LMAO. Wouldn't it make more greedy business sense if they cornered the technology instead of suppress it? Of course, you still have to address the big problem of nightime storage but, I'm sure Union Carbide is working on the technology. Uh oh. Damn these evil corporations, they're everywhere!
On many timelines electric cars soon appear. The electricity comes from hydro, geothermal, solar, and wind farms. There are wind farms in the future.

Not sure how this is a prediction as all of these technologies are operationg now. There are windfarms now. This is a good application for alot of developing countries. Of course, you'd have to do something to balance out the hyperpopulation's needs for power vs. the massive amounts of land needed for windfarms and solar arrays. No worries about corrupt corporations there. Oh wait, there is that pesky little porblem about the government corruption rampant in most of these countries.


Junior Member
Re: Predictions of few years ahead

The triad or the triumvarant run the world, a collection of powerful men, not the countries. The days of countries running the world is an illusion.
