Prionic disease and the altered genetic stances of the population


Senior Member
From what I understand in my medical studies so far, is that prion groupings, which appear as blood circulatory carried groupings of proteins, can affect the body in such a way, that neurodegenerative disease occurs. One form is naturally occurring and may or may not have anything to do with the consumption of meat. The second form, which is also known as kuru, is a protean Lattus which forms from the eating and digestion of human brains by cannibals.

With a series of catastrophes possible as predicted on the future time scape, it could be possible that gene cult groups, from the lack of generals meats availabilities, develop a genetic society architecture, to where even though some of it's members develop degrading prionic disease, that this practice takes hold and in time even though this is claimed to be reversed direction evolution, that the practice of humans eating humans carries on in some parts of civilization and is in the future tense considered normal.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Classic (CJD) | Prion Diseases | CDC

