Psychic Abilities Random Speculation


Active Member
I've started practicing again after a layoff. While reading about telepathy etc. I read an idea that hit home. What if the key to better results was adrenaline?

Thinking back to my childhood and my now 60+ years, I've gotten quickest results under stressful situations. When I just do the online tests etc. I don't score well. But if it's something that matters to me the results just happen.


Senior Member
I agree with you that under stress our Adrenaline levels peak..
Back in WW2, a small british ship was about to be boarded by a crew from a German submarine..
The First Officer of the British ship was tasked to destroy all the documents within a small safe weighing over 300lbs, should they be attacked and boarded..
The key to the safe could not be found so the Officer picked up the safe, ran up one flight of steps and then dumped it into the sea...
After dumping it, the Officer collapsed on deck and very nearly lost his life...
