Debate Psychic Experiment

Snake Plissken

I believe..
About 20/25 years ago I became interested in Astral Projection and I wanted to try it. I was meditating everyday and was using this as a tool to become completely relaxed to prepare. Many times I would feel myself lifting out but it was like being attached to my body by a high tension elastic band around my middle that would not give and I used to find myself getting snapped back in. I think my own fear played some part in these failures.

I wondered how I could improve my chances of success so I read more books and one such book suggested some Psychic experiments or games, that would apparently enhance my Psychic abilities and in theory increase my chances of Astral Projection. One such exercise involved putting numbers on cards and placing them in an envelope next to my bed at night. The numbers referred to books in my bookshelf, I put a marker in the row of books and told myself that the numbers represented my books to the right of this mark. The idea was that I went to sleep and thought only about the number in the envelope, which I did not know before sleep and was selected randomly.

I remember one, maybe two nights of nothing but then I remember a night of dreaming, which was unusual for me, I do not remember the dream but what I do remember is the dream abruptly stopped and I was somewhere else, somewhere with a black background but in front of me was a book that I owned. It was a book called 'The Uninvited' about UFO abduction, it was essentially a black or dark cover with an image of a saucer but the title words were written in a vivid Red. In the dream the Red colour was so intense that I realised that I had never seen colour in a dream before, I am convinced that I dream in Black and White so to see colour for the first time was an incredible experience. The book stayed in front of me for a few seconds and then I was back in the original dream from the point that I had stopped, which naturally concluded and I woke up.

I went straight to the books, found 'The Uninvited' and sure enough it was 6 spaces to the right of the marker. I opened the envelope to reveal the card with the number 6.

The dream within a dream thing has only happened to me on three other occasions, two of which were visits by my Dad after he had died. Each time never lasting long but when I was there I felt more in control/aware than I would do in a normal dream.

Another interesting issue is an encounter with what I can only describe as a Black shadow entity around the same time period (I will save that story for another time).

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the experiment and the dream within a dream bit.

I never did manage to project.


yes, traveling does not work the way these money hungry pseudo story makers make it out to be. theres only 3 ways to travel in this planes of existence and PU. Look, if the individuals you are gettng information from are making a profit, then dont believe them, they are real quacks trying to make a buck who are so delusional and told themselves the same story over and over again in their head that they actually believe it, i bet they could pass a polygraph test with flying colors.

Snake Plissken

I believe..
I'm not making money or helping anyone make money I'm just trying to make sense of the bigger picture and how I fit into it.

So, what you are saying is that I was not experiencing a psychic ability but it was my brain going through the multiple possibilities and showed me the most probable. Which happened to be correct??


Not correct because you cannot verify the legitimacy of the final too simulations unless..... You know what you're looking for and know the rules of the PU you currently reside in.
