Quitting smoking costs too much


Active Member
Ran across this New England Journal of Medicine study on the costs of smoking vs non-smoking..

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You'll see towards the end of this short story that it is actually more expensive to quit smoking as far as health care costs are explained. So you can thank me for smoking and dying young later. :p


Temporal Engineer
I don't know guys. I think not smoking is the better choice. The way I see it, is the main reason it costs more to not smoke, is because you live longer. So naturally you'll need to pay for more food and housing for the extra lifespan you'll be getting. I think that is a more than reasonable tradeoff.

By the way, I used to smoke. Two packs a day before I quit. Cold Turkey was my quitting method. Don't ever look back. And that silly little annoying thought that occurs every now and then, "I can handle just one" Don't listen to it. It's the devil speaking.


Senior Member
I agree with Einstein since i quit my overall health has improved drastically easier to breath haven't got sick in forever and i save alot more money. i mean 5+ dollars a pack is crazy


Temporal Engineer
There actually is a health benefit from smoking that no one talks about. Your lungs grow larger to accommodate your smoking habit. If you quit while you're still young and healthy, you'll have the added advantage of extra lung capacity. That by itself can increase your lifespan toward the end. Most people do die of respiratory ailments.


I was kidding. I used to smoke and after a wild night of drinking I smoked 2 packs. I woke up and coughed up blood. Stopped that second. I still enjoy a cigar from time to time but only if others are and I don't inhale.

It's funny you say it increases lung capacity. I used to be able to hold my breath longer than any of my friends who never touched a cig.


$5 bucks a pack is nothing. NY is $10 a pack! They added an additional $5 a pck tax a few years ago. Funny part is now there is a huge underground market for cigarettes. People drive down to the south buy them in bulk than drive up and sell them. ATF has been running stung ops trying to catch them.


Senior Member
$5 bucks a pack is nothing. NY is $10 a pack! They added an additional $5 a pck tax a few years ago. Funny part is now there is a huge underground market for cigarettes. People drive down to the south buy them in bulk than drive up and sell them. ATF has been running stung ops trying to catch them.

I couldn't afford to smoke, even if I wanted to. My last cig was walking into the Emergency Room in 2000. I took a puff, walked in, and got some nitro, as I found out that I had a heart attack and had four blocked arteries. I was your perfect example of what not to do with your health and oh yes a beer tastes better without a cig!!


New Member
Bleh lol. Its probably because they put just as much chemicals in your food and water as your cigarettes. My girlfriend is a smoker and for the life of me i'm trying to get her to quite but she's addicted. I say there are no good side effects to smoking no matter how you want to justify it. Cigarettes that is :)

I do like the ocassional cigar though even though i'm at the same risk. Theres just nothing like a game of cards among friends with a cigar and some suds.
