Rock Lake, Wisconsin Underwater Pyramids


Senior Member
What do you guys think of these pyramids? I'll provide a link of the search, which will give you hundreds of photos to look at. They are obvious pyramids.

I've heard about this. Psychics detected it. Divers also said odd things about the structures. Don't have the link but read the article a while ago.


Are you 100% sure about that?

Only 3%.......As we ALL know reality is at least 97% Bull.


I have a fun story this reminds me of.

Several years ago, I worked with this gal whose sole intention was to be as dour as possible.
I swear that her sense of humor was removed at birth.

So, every time we happened to be washing up at the hand wash station at the same time
I would say "Man! This water is so WET today...!"

or I'd go

"Boy howdy, this water is not as wet as yesterdays water!"

One day I started in and she just growled, "Water is WATER! Water is WET!!...IT'S. ALL. WET!!!"

"Well," I replied, "this water is not as wet as yesterdays water."

"Okay.....Okay....I'll FINALLY bite.....Why is THIS water not as wet as yesterdays water?!"

I said with a straight face, "Yesterday you remarked how COLD the water was....But today, It's almost HOT."

"Yeah, So what??"

"Don't you see? Hot water has steam rising from it.....Cold water doesn't,
therefore, It loses a bit of itself to the air and thus....Hot is not as WET as COLD." :LOL:

"OMG!....Okay, you win....." She walked away with this lingering shocked look.
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