Rotating Gravity Field


New Member
HI all, I'm mostly a lurker here.. but I'd like to share a couple of insights for experimenters, because we should all help each other if we want to figure this out..

By physical means, I think gravity modification may be the key to time travel. If you can create a gravitic field then all of the atoms in that field will operate at a different rate than the atoms outside the field.

Here's my idea. Take an alumuminum bowl. Mount a coil vertically on the inside of it. Run alternating current through the coil and experiment with different frequencies of AC to cause resonance of the fields to take place. There technically should be two fields because the aluminum would create a repelling field against the field of the coil.

The dynamic electromagnetic field created inside this aluminum bowl will repelled by the aluminum according to Lenz law and if the frequency is right I hypothesize that an extremely fast spinning magnetic field will be generated in this bowl. The EM field with enough speed will pull along the spacetime/vacuum/ether, whichever name you prefer. Just as sound waves move through the air, electromagnetic waves move along a medium in the vacuum of space. So logically electromagnetic waves should affect this medium. From what I understand gravity results from the movement of this medium. As the earth spins, it drags the medium with it.

This concept is a similar to how the shape of a beetle's wings cause them to work more efficiently by creating a cushion of spinning air underneath. Naturally, you should be able to apply this concept to other mediums as well. I figured this out from researching viktor grebennikov.

BoyD Bushman's work and UFO accounts are what led to my ideas for the construction of this experiment. You have the aluminum saucer shape, accounts of electromagnetic interference, and often a glowing halo of light underneath which suggests heat loss from the alternating current of a coil. Boyd has also proven repelling magnetic fields can interact with gravity.

Of course my goal has been gravity modification, but I think it can be used for time manipulation as well. Different coil shapes and frequencies should be tested and you'll be able to tell if it works by evidence of weight reduction/propulsive forces.

Thank you and feel free to comment. I hope someone will at least be inspired or more informed.
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Temporal Engineer
I've been doing lots of experimentation looking for a link to gravity as well. But gravity has no relation to the electromagnetic forces at all. The Boyd Bushman experiment is flawed in my opinion. He failed to take into account that those huge neodymium magnets throw out a field of several hundred feet in diameter. The reason the magnets fall slower is because the magnetic field interacts with any diamagnetic material in the fields radius, causing it to slow down.

I do think my experiments into Tesla's zero time reference generator have more of a chance at uncovering a link to gravity. I have detected waves being produced by an accelerometer during directional changes. But I have not been able to rule out the possibility of flawed data.

I think the key is to find out what speed gravity waves propagate through matter. Then to look for resonant interations using electric and magnetic fields. But you need gravity waves first before further experimentation can proceed.

Here is a link to many of the YouYube videos I've made of experiments I've done.

Gravity Drive


New Member
You're right, that could be a factor with Bushman's experiment so it is not entirely conclusive..

I'll have to thuroughly watch your videos.. DeOnospite my ideas, the mechanism behind gravity is still somewhat mysterious.

I don't know if you're familiar with Eugene Podkletnov's work but he can allegedly generate a gravity force using a discharge of a couple million voltz through a vacuum tube with a toroid shaped conductor that can put a hole in concrete. He is known for modifying gravity using rotating superconductors, but he also says he can do it with normal conductors as well. He thinks the effect is caused by "polarizing" space which contains "gravitons". His explanation seems to line up with T.T. Brown's experiments.

I don't have all the answers but am definitely open to alternative explanations. The static electric field seems to hold some promise as well as EM.


Temporal Engineer
I did get a detailed copy of Podkletnov's gravity impulse generator experiment. But I never came across an experiment where he was able to punch a hole through concrete with it. The experiment I read about shows he used a Tesla coil, a large superconducting coil, and superconductor discharge target. He was operating the Tesla coil in the million volt range. This info may no longer be available for download on the internet anymore. At the time the site I downloaded it from was a site put up by Podkletnov himself.


Senior Member
No EM field will "pull along the spacetime/vacuum/ether" no matter how you rotate it.
There's no connection between EM and gravity, and Em fields do not affect spacetime.

However, a rotating gravity field WILL "pull along the spacetime/vacuum/ether" with it. This is called "frame dragging" and is a reasonably well-understood phenomenon.



New Member
Anything with energy density can "curve spacetime". From what I've read, a moving electromagnetic field has energy density and does cause frame dragging. A static one does not though. Ive got a lot more research to do on the subject.. I'm currently reading a book called "How to build a time machine" and it has been good so far. Of course some things I may not figure out until I actually do the experiment.


Senior Member
I think you have been reading up on the Philadelphia Experiment and Ronald Mallets book, The Time-Traveller and his Laser driven time machine...Both books are very interesting and deal with the curving of local spacetime :)


Senior Member
Anything with energy density can "curve spacetime". From what I've read, a moving electromagnetic field has energy density and does cause frame dragging. A static one does not though. Ive got a lot more research to do on the subject.. I'm currently reading a book called "How to build a time machine" and it has been good so far. Of course some things I may not figure out until I actually do the experiment.
The Stress-Energy tensor is the cause of spacetime curvature in GR. It's main component is energy density, but a simple EM field doesn't contain enough energy to curve space in any significant way.
Compare the energy in any EM field to that contained in, say, a gram of iron (using E=mc^2) to see what I mean.



Temporal Engineer
Anything with energy density can "curve spacetime". From what I've read, a moving electromagnetic field has energy density and does cause frame dragging. A static one does not though. Ive got a lot more research to do on the subject.. I'm currently reading a book called "How to build a time machine" and it has been good so far. Of course some things I may not figure out until I actually do the experiment.

One has to realize that they are dealing with theories. Space and time have never been verified to have any relationship to each other. All data appears to reflect that matter has a relationship with time. And an independent relationship with space.

I'm still waiting for the experiment that shows the path of a light beam can be bent by gravity. Apparently the frequency can be altered by gravity, which has been shown by experiment. We do also know that the lensing phenomena that bends starlight around our sun can be attributed to the sun's atmosphere. But so far light has no dependence on its path through space. It almost suggests that light operates on an independent type of space that coexists with normal space.
