Seeing the future/precognition- a theory

This is apart from the ouija board thread in the ghosts section, I noticed it was brought up that ghosts exist in a timeless dimension where everything is happening NOW, basically they know the past, present, and future at the same time.

Now, WE are spirits too but just completely inside a human body powering it up, etc. Our energy may exist on this dimension as well and I have been thinking lately that this is what causes us to glimspe the future or possible futures as well. In a sense, information from the future is transmitting to the past and vice versa. Its why we see the future in dreams or at random moments or even at will.

So... what do you all think of this, have any experiences that could relate?


New Member
This is apart from the ouija board thread in the ghosts section, I noticed it was brought up that ghosts exist in a timeless dimension where everything is happening NOW, basically they know the past, present, and future at the same time.

Now, WE are spirits too but just completely inside a human body powering it up, etc. Our energy may exist on this dimension as well and I have been thinking lately that this is what causes us to glimspe the future or possible futures as well. In a sense, information from the future is transmitting to the past and vice versa. Its why we see the future in dreams or at random moments or even at will.

So... what do you all think of this, have any experiences that could relate?

I think it's a great theory. I have thought on this a lot. I once heard that in theory, we can build the past events which occurred from the so called future. Like this, we - while thinking about a past memory could have a difficult time in recalling the events, then suddenly remember that we blanked at the time of the event itself as well. The future affecting the past. Or another clearer example. We recall a memory from the past about seeing an event before it happened, wondering why, we put all the pieces of the event together in hindsight and voila, we had a premonition in the past just before the event.

And it goes further than that too. Once rewritten or edited in your own memory, the story will also adjust in the memories of any participants involved. It can also blank the memory of an event in participants, at least making it fuzzier for them to recall. The Power of "the lie" is exposed as a malleable reality.

I have seen glimpses of the future for all of my "recorded" life. And to tell the truth, it feels like peeking around corners, at future choices of my own, backwards and forwards to come to the conclusion of what it all means to me right now. I was just today reflecting on a personal experience regarding a water park named "River Country." I went when I was around eleven years old, and we got there right when it opened. I was in the park, and there was absolutely no one there, it was deserted, and as I stood there in the middle of this park, completely alone, a feeling fell over me of total abandonment. I can still remember the image of it, haunting. (the park did eventually fill up that day, we just got there very early)
Then a few years ago, while surfing the internet, I found the park was really abandoned and I shuddered at the pictures of it. So much like my first memory of the park. Deserted, lackluster. So I went looking for a video of it on you tube, and the first one I found, was a bunch of old footage of the park. I was in the video, as a child, from :33 seconds in the video, to :44 seconds. I couldn't fathom it, the chances of me being in the video I found. I sent it to my mother and asked her to verify for sure that this was in fact me. She e-mailed me back in minutes, "Yes, that is definitely you, it gave me chills."

Peace to you and yours. ALOG (clint)


New Member
The reason that it's possible to know past, present, and future, is because time itself, is not linear. This a one of those preaching to the choir things at this point, because it's well known that time isn't linear. A precog can see future events, because they are capable of seeing beyond the three spacial dimensions in which we live in (according to books, four total dimensions counting time, but as was priorly stated, time is not linear, therefore the human perception of time isn't truly accurate). And assumedly, when someone views the future, it's more than likely not the exact future which we live in. It's probably another worldline, almost identical, if not exactly like our own.

Now, WE are spirits too but just completely inside a human body powering it up, etc. Our energy may exist on this dimension as well and I have been thinking lately that this is what causes us to glimspe the future or possible futures as well. In a sense, information from the future is transmitting to the past and vice versa. Its why we see the future in dreams or at random moments or even at will.

You're much closer than you could even imagine with energy. It can not be created nor destroyed. This is important, because when a human dies, the energy becomes released from the body. What becomes of the human soul, I haven't the slightest clue. But the energy remains here. This is why in paranormal investigations and such, recurring spirits (or their energy, moreso) go on from day to day repeating the same behaviors. I.e. at 1pm, a spirit can sometimes be seen walking down a staircase in an old plantation home, etc. However, if the soul stays with the energy, I believe that they are more capable of being multi-dimensional, than they are in human bodies. I believe it is possible to use the energy that you produce, to also produce precognitive thinking, or a visual door into a very similar or identical worldline. This is probably more common when the body produces the most amount of energy, during R.E.M. cycles of sleep. Thus, being the reason that people have precognitive dreams.

That's my theory at least.
