Shadow Government Puppet Masters Pull Strings on Final Days of 2016 Election


Think outside the mind
A lot of people (especially in the government and mainstream media) are pointing to the FBI’s sudden announcement of the discovery of thousands more of Hillary Clinton-related emails as an example that the election is most certainly not rigged (as Trump and plenty of conspiracy theorists for decades have suggested). After all, if the election were rigged for Hillary, why on Earth would she allow such a thing to happen? Well, to understand it, you have to look a little deeper, a little further out, and see the big picture.

It is clear that the shadow government, be it Bilderberg or whatever name you want to put on it, has already chosen Hillary Clinton to be the next President of the United States. This has probably been decided for many years. As a matter of fact, many in conspiracy circles believe that she was supposed to win the 2008 election but was usurped by Obama, whom the shadow government ultimately decided to go with because he was more charismatic and divisive to the American people than the candidate they had originally envisioned. She was put on the backburner with promises of the Secretary of State job in her ear, and an even bigger promise that all things remaining equal, she would be the President easily in 2016.

Well, 2016 is here folks, and there was another intruder. This one was Donald Trump, but unlike Obama, he did not attract any love from the shadow government. He is a true outsider, and someone they are deathly afraid of. They believe he might truly unravel a portion of the stranglehold they have on power in America. They fear a movement like he and Bernie Sanders (despite seeming worlds apart) are actually both headliners of. It’s the first throes of an American revolution in which the awakened people (a group that is getting bigger each and every day thanks to the Internet and alternative news sources) are having no more of it.

The shadow government is still firmly in control. Despite surprising them, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders for that matter have no realistic shot at the Presidency. But the elite don’t take chances, and we are seeing masters of manipulation in play here. Think about it. This sudden announcement of the FBI investigation looked so bad for Hillary and so good for Trump. But if you look at the firestorm of things we’ve learned this week that the media completely ignored while beating the email server drum 24/7, you see what they did again.

See, the WikiLeaks revelations are about a million times more damning than the email server allegations. We are talking major corruption, major crimes, and millions of dollars changing hands. We are talking events that literally shape the world here over money and power. The Clinton Foundation revelations are so far-reaching that they are even grabbing Chelsea Clinton in their wake. It appears that the entire Clinton family is up to their neck in this one.

No one noticed. No one cared. The Donald Trump supporters were gleeful when the FBI announcement hit. It’s over, they thought. We got this. They bit on the line that was put out for them like a fish in a lake. It is over. But they are the ones that got you. You fell for it.

Now, the FBI has announced again that no criminal charges will be pursued against Hillary Clinton in this one investigation (ignoring the multiple investigations still ongoing) on literally the day before the polls open. Now, that great news that the Trump people were so excited about is turning on a dime. The most ironic thing about it of all: the same Democrats that were outraged about how Trump insinuated that the election might be rigged are now claiming… you guessed it… that the FBI announcement was an attempt to rig the election. Everything comes and goes, you see. They all tell you the same old tired lines.

This is not a struggle between Democrats and Republicans. The Republican establishment is just as terrified of Trump as the Democrats are. More, even, because they couldn’t do anything about it. A myriad of voters put an outsider at the very top of the Republican Party. Others like them were all set to do the same to Hillary Clinton, but the Democratic Party’s primary was set up from the beginning to make sure it could not be usurped. Bernie put up the good fight, but was never really on the ballot so-to-speak. The Republicans apparently never considered something like Trump, and so they did not have the proper safeguards in place to screw him out of it. It wasn’t rigged enough to stop Trump in the primaries, so they had to really pull out all the stops to stop him in the general election.

The puppets are dancing, just like they are supposed to do. On this final day, you will hear over and over how the email scandal is finished now, and how terrible it was that they announced it in the first place, damaging poor little innocent Hillary Clinton’s chances at winning this election and putting the entire world in mortal jeopardy by giving Trump a chance. That will be the narrative while the worst case of corruption ever seen in American government is right there for anyone to view.

How ironic it is? Never before have Americans had so much information at their fingertips to make an informed decision. And never will it be so ignored.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
