Should there be full alien disclosure?

Derrick C.

Although it could cause chaos, I think there should be absolutely full disclosure about the alien and UFO situation. The chaos would be worked out. Humans manage to adapt to changes and I'm sure after a little bit of worry and confusion, we would find a way to emotionally deal with it.

It would become a new way of life. Humans would eventually grow used to the idea that aliens exist and interact with us. Some humans would be angry, protest, kill. Some would not. But, that's what humans do on this planet anyway, with or without aliens. It's nothing new.

I think it's time to put it to the test. Tell all. Let us adapt our lives around the idea. It could give us hope and a new direction. Best of all, the aliens wouldn't have to hide anymore.


i totally agree Paula i like alot of other people have thought and belive there should be full alien disclosure, we humans can handle the truth and the long the gov hides it the more likely it will come out one way or the other

Derrick C.

If the truth is disclosed then they lose control of the masses. The reaction would be too unpredictable. They can't risk losing control.

While we are in the dark, unsure, in fear, we are the sheople. Easy to manipulate and dominate.

..and what if the Aliens enlighten us about our true place in the Universe... Control would be gone forever :(

personally i think if we dont get disclosure then Aliens will show up, tell our gov to stfu and tell us the truth themselves by showing up and teaching us. just my opinion

steven chiverton

Senior Member
I don't know if this qualifies for this section but check it out, as shocked as it was watching it I just don't know what to think of it and whether there's more to what we already know from the internet, I brought this dvd from our video retailer jbhifi and its awesome and makes you think hard about what they tell us and what they don't tell us and this is the cover of that dvd I scanned to upload


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Senior Member
Hi Paula:

This is a bit long winded, but here we go. Yesterday, I had my check and I was walking over toward the bank when I saw a man in front of me. He was wearing a mask and he had pulled out his gun. He gave me a stare with eyes like daggers and that cut me to the core. I could tell he was not playing games.

Still have the check with me. Hey, I walked away. Live to fight another day as we say.

I did not report it to the cops. When you live in a repressive regime… it is best to steer clear of any issues. They will always find a way to blame you. Bankers are not my friends, they are my enemies.

Let me tell you something about bankers, when I was six… my dad did open a saving account for me. I did not say checking, I said savings. Well, he put $50 of his own money, that was the minimum and I put $5 of my own money. That is money I made cleaning out bird cages. It was given to me by a kind neighborhood lady we called granny. She paid me one dollar an hour… yes, that is a lot less than minimum wage. However, I was glad to have the job as I was only six.

A few weeks later, my dad went to the bank with me. I had another $5 to put in. The banker took my money. He then informed my dad that his account was closed and that he owes the bank $173 in fines. That he did not put money in every month and that the checks were expensive.

Except that my dad did not ask for a checking account or any checks, but the bank did not care. They opened the checking account anyway. Also, they claimed my dad had signed up for a lot of expensive services. In fact, they told my dad that he had to pay the $173 in fines or they would make sure his credit was in ruins.

My dad did not lose his cool, and said. “First, you steal $60 from my son. Second, you claim I owe you money. What you are is a worm. Here is your $173 and I will never do business with this @#$@$ bank again. Stealing $60 from a kid, you are not even a man.”

The banker said. “I am sorry sir. The law says –“

My dad got mad. “Don’t tell me you are sorry. Hell is real and that is where you are going!”

Both of us walked out and all my money was gone. Dad wanted me to put my coins in a bank where they would be safe and secure. Funny, I learned not to trust the bankers at an early age.


I was onboard a space ship three years later, and I was now nine. The reptilians attacked us. I fought as best I could, but the situation was scary. My hands were still shaking, because seeing the reptilians chilled me to my core. They are a lot bigger than me. Right then I noticed a little alien girl who was six. She had absolutely no fear as in zero. I wished I had such great courage.

Aliens have no names. However, hybrids on the ship called her ZIDATKANI which means warrior. I called her zizi. She was not a hybrid like me. Zizi was a pure.

I said to her, “Hey zizi, I am such a wimp. The reptilians attack us. I have to force myself to fight because I am frozen in fear and near panic.”

She peered at me with an intense gaze. “The venari have a saying – marry a strong woman and you get a strong son. Sadly, your mother is a weak woman.”

I shouted. “ZIZI! That is not true!”

She cut me to the core. “Remember, it was your mom who said to your dad –‘I don’t want in this house any guns. I hate guns.’ What kind of a warrior hates guns?”

Then she went on. “Both your father and mother were living on Planet Rykanor as warriors and it was your mother who told him to leave the war. What kind of a warrior… runs away in a war.”

Alien girl gave me a sardonic grin. “I am a warrior. I want to die fighting like a lioness, not butchered like a cow.”

Zizi went on. “Back on the farm you have milk cows. They are always getting sick and your dad calls the veterinarian every week of every year. Frankly, cows are pathetic wimps. Beefalo is a hybrid of buffalo and cow. They do not get sick ever. Also, they can be outside in open prairie… when it is 40 degrees below zero. Hybrids can take it. With cows, you have to bring them inside the red barn and turn the heater on.”

Before I could get a word in… she thundered on. “Actually, you are a hybrid – part human and part venari. Not all humans are wimps. In fact, some of your earth ancestors were cave men. They fought a wholly rhino with tiny spears. They could bring down an elephant because they were warriors. Sadly, those warriors are no more.”

Zizi then mockingly imitated both human voice an mannerism. “Please, no more war. What we have to do is ban the gun… wage peace… talk to our enemies.”

Other aliens started laughing in derision at the pathetic wimpy me.

I told Zizi what happened to me when I was six. How my dad paid $173 in fines and that the bank stole my money.

Fire poured out of her orange eyes. The little girl pulled out her ray gun. “I would confront the bankers and demand that they give me my money. If they refuse me, I will vaporize em.”

I shouted. “Zizi, that is against the law and they will put you in prison.”

Alien girl laughed bitterly at me in scorn. “Listen to me HALF jew. If I gave you this ray gun… and sent you to nazi germany to rescue jews… you would tell me. ‘That is against the law of nazi germany. They have a law against rescuing jews. Hitler says so.’”

All the aliens were howling with laughter at me. She was right and I was wrong.

Her eyes bored into me. “Do you know what happened to the jews that obeyed the law? Well, do you? They were marched into the gas chambers and later put in ovens. Listen to me. There are no LAWS!”

She glared at me. “What you have to do is ask yourself a question – what are you… are you a warrior or a wimp?”


Although it could cause chaos, I think there should be absolutely full disclosure about the alien and UFO situation. The chaos would be worked out. Humans manage to adapt to changes and I'm sure after a little bit of worry and confusion, we would find a way to emotionally deal with it.

It would become a new way of life. Humans would eventually grow used to the idea that aliens exist and interact with us. Some humans would be angry, protest, kill. Some would not. But, that's what humans do on this planet anyway, with or without aliens. It's nothing new.

I think it's time to put it to the test. Tell all. Let us adapt our lives around the idea. It could give us hope and a new direction. Best of all, the aliens wouldn't have to hide anymore.


why this is a bad idea,

Aliens means things that are smarter then us more advanced then us and technically may have the medical answers we seek to help people we actually care about. See it is cheat-sheet for the human race to reach the stars and basically steel ideas rather then figuring them out.

Why is this bad? Well technically it is not bad. Seriously i am ok with Cheating if i can give every student a computer to google while taking exams or give them all a copy of the smart kid's answer sheet i will not hesitate. BUT i also realize that information is useless without understanding it and people tend to want a fast car but few of them knows how to service the breaks and neglect maintenance and then you have another sad story on the news.

Can they teach us? Yes they can, they can probably download info into there brains. BUT it is still a bad idea... Why... Because evil people can then access information they normally would never have and will be able to do what was normally never possible.

Aliens is cool and if they lots of tentacles then a few anime freaks is going to have disturbing moments of clarity about there deepest darkest minds.

AND that is the problem... humanity is able to do very evil things aliens will make that a possibility... Why because they will simply find a way to make a good thing bad.

So in short the human race can not be trusted... for now... As we get better at spotting evil people we can control the information and make better choices.


@label - Very interesting point you have there! There are a lot of people out there whose evil is hidden. Much of the human race can't be trusted, although there are potentially millions, if not, billions of people out there who can. And there are millions (or more) throughout history who have already had alien contact.


Aliens means things that are smarter then us more advanced then us and technically may have the medical answers we seek to help people we actually care about. See it is cheat-sheet for the human race to reach the stars and basically steel ideas rather then figuring them out.

True. A primitive alien, which most likely does exist out there, cannot reach us, so any alien we'd find on Earth would have to be intelligent.

Why is this bad? Well technically it is not bad. Seriously i am ok with Cheating if i can give every student a computer to google while taking exams or give them all a copy of the smart kid's answer sheet i will not hesitate. BUT i also realize that information is useless without understanding it and people tend to want a fast car but few of them knows how to service the breaks and neglect maintenance and then you have another sad story on the news.

It seems to be human nature to be greedy, so I would see governments being hostile towards aliens for two possible reasons:
First, maybe they don't WANT cures and technology. They'd lose money and perhaps lose control over us. Second, maybe they DO want the cures and information and would do absolutely everything unethically to obtain this information. Either way, governments of earth would not treat the aliens well. So, chances are, we'll never know the truth unless the aliens themselves appear and tell us.

Can they teach us? Yes they can, they can probably download info into there brains. BUT it is still a bad idea... Why... Because evil people can then access information they normally would never have and will be able to do what was normally never possible.

Yep. Humans, in general, are very hostile. This leads me to believe there is a reason why they don't show their faces to us. They know what the majority of us would do.
