Steven Gibbs warning


Senior Member
Talked to Steven Gibbs today and he says a major event is coming. This will cause disruptions and on some timelines martial law even. He did not give me specifics, but I will try to use remote viewing. I can say that our world is around next year.

Back in 2005 I did some rv of a hummer dealership in 2012, and I saw that they were not selling hummers anymore. However, they were selling cars. I went by there a few days ago. They are selling cars. The geomagnetic storm interferes with my ability to use my HDR, but I will wait a few days for the storm to clear and use it.

Want to know if anyone is seeing any major events that match the Steven Gibbs warning.


New Member
Thanks for the update. I'm very interested to hear back from you once the storm has passed. Also, if you can get any more insight on Mr. Gibbs warning once the storm has passed, that would be appreciated, too. Thanks a bunch!


Active Member
Those HDR sales must be slipping this quarter. I believe Gibbs about as much as I believe that the cat in my avatar can actually launch a fireball. Doom and Gloom....that's all we hear from ya. Yet, folks are still here....we work, we play, serial killers are eating Corn Flakes, and life goes on. This pattern of "Oh Shit! The world as we know it is gonna end!" is played out Kid. And no specific details as to how this "major event" will unfold? I guess CNN and FOX News are having bad weeks too. I would scoff at you..but its already been done.


Senior Member
Talked to Steven Gibbs today and he says a major event is coming. This will cause disruptions and on some timelines martial law even. He did not give me specifics, but I will try to use remote viewing. I can say that our world is around next year.

Thats the problem i see with all of this stuff/Time travelers/Prophets/Seer's w/e they claim to be, If you can see it and been through it than you can give specificis.

BlastTyrant Predicts that there will be a upset that turns the tide in the global leadership scale and that in the near future a event will happen that changes the way we live as a society! Were in-line for changes that will drastically affect our future and everyone will remember the year 2012 for generations to come.

See how easy that was? Now all i need to do is come up with a fancy name and a interesting back story and i can have followers!!
