Strange lights and orbs


where the wild things are
I have pictures that I took in a cemetery in October of this year that I'm a bit curious about and have shown them to friends of mine who are skeptic and non believers and they are curious about them too, especially the placement of the lights and orbs not matching up with nearby light sources.

There is this cemetery near me, that's on top of a hill and literally in the middle of a forest, trees surround it. There are no lights in the cemetery, its pitch black every time you go up there at night. I've taken daytime comparison shots of the areas that had orbs and lights, and you can see nothing that would be the cause of these orbs/lights.

The first picture I have to show is an overhead of the cemetery in Google Earth.

The black box is the cemetery and the red boxes are the areas where in the next several pictures the lights and orbs appear. The numbers are two groups of buildings that appear near the cemetery.

1 is a school bus garage for the public school system, it does have lights, that do cast a limited glow onto a small portion of the cemetery, however the direction I took the photos is away from the lights.

2 is an abandoned high school, it has no lights on at night, there are light poles but they haven't been used since the 1990s when the school was abandoned.

There are no other lights other than building 1. There are none in the trees, there are none beyond the trees where the red boxes are. And that's where it gets strange..

This picture shows three lights taken at night. Nothing strange about that right, could be light poles. Well that is the strange thing, there are no light poles. Daytime shot of the same area

Now the overhead map shows where the lights were at, its in the bottom red box, and you can see there is a tree line, there are no lights beyond the trees, you can see where the tree tops are at which tells you the cemetery is indeed on top of a hill. There are power poles, but they do not have lights on them.

A second shot of the same area at night, taken the next night shows no lights

And that rules out light poles... So what are they? They can't be lights from the 1 building because I was not pointed in that direction, and they can't be lights from 2 building because those lights haven't been operation in over 20 years. I've shown the photos to friends of mine and we've all come up with what seem like reasonable explanations and have done a bit of field testing, recreating, but haven't come up with anything conclusive.

Now onto the orbs...

Can see some light back scatter which I don't know where its coming from, but the red circle is peculiar. An orb that has a nucleus? There was no mist, dew, fog, rain that night, it was a dry, mild warm, and cloudy night, these pictures were taken about 1am.

Colored dust? With a wavy tail? I mean yeah it could be dust, but colored and has a tail? And the picture is clear, not blurry.

I don't know what to make of that. Any time I've seen dust its usually transparent, this one looks like it shines on its own.

All pictures were taken with a digital camera, I didn't use my phone, I don't use my phone when supernatural seeking, since one could easily download a fake ghost app and yeah we've seen those.

Thought I'd share this. I'm not saying its 100% paranormal, but to me its a bit creepy because I and friends of mine do not have explanations. Do you?


It's a bit late here as I am going to bed very soon but a question popped into my head as I was looking at the pictures.

Did you happen to feel like you were being watched from the areas you photographed before taking them?

Just curious.

I really like the very bright one you took. Fascinating.


where the wild things are
Yeah I did get that feeling, I was walking towards the back where it was dark, thought I saw some movement, and felt like something was watching me, I decided to turn around and head back the other way where there was a bit of light and started taking photos and that's when the lights and orbs showed up.


I went and took some more photos yesterday

Closer shot of the area where the three lights are

This is the 1 area I'm talking about, yes it has lights that cast a glow over the cemetery at night, but that is a different direction, than what I took the photos

And this is a daytime shot of the area with the nucleus/colored orbs and the white orb.

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New Member
Orbs can be caused by many things from what I have heard and read about so this is something that intrigues me. I have experience with "ghosts" or "spiritual encounters" (whatever you want to call it). I have not had experience with orbs that I know of. I will have to think about it and see if I can recall anything. Thanks for sharing all of these images.

Freak Show

Active Member
if you read a post called My Story, you'll see i have experience seeing things too, my entire life. apparently from pictures taken of me i have orbs follow me wherever i go.


New Member
if you read a post called My Story, you'll see i have experience seeing things too, my entire life. apparently from pictures taken of me i have orbs follow me wherever i go.
I will have to read it on my lunch break. Have you ever had voice or EVP experiences? I was just talking about it on another site that I am apart of who have evidence so the thought is on my brain. Here is the convo if you are interested: https://discuss.timetravel.institut...he-art-electronic-voice-phenomenon-evp.22453/

I have had visual experiences but not sound or orbs as far I can remember. I will have to think on this for a while to see if I can recall anything other experiences
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Freak Show

Active Member
i just had a team at my house, they used an ovulis ( voice box) . i pretended to be asleep in my bedroom. they asked questions, there was an intelligent conversation going on for 10 minutes. there were four spirit there at the time, Mike, Wendy,Paul and Hellen, they were the names that came though.. plus my wife likes to sleep with a white noise machine on, she's a nurse and it helps her sleep during the day. one night when i went to bed she turned it on, i heard people whispering, i told them, i can hear you so please stop. another voice came through and said, He Can hear Us. then it stopped.. i have so much going on that i'm in contact with separate mediums just trying to get it figured out. i just want help with all this. it's hard for me to comprehend why all this is progressing so much. before i would just see and feel a few thins here and there. now i see what i'm told is energy, around me all day every day. saw a full shadow person walk right behind me in the kitchen this morning


New Member
I read your "My Story" post. I find it very interesting. I did not read through the comments and replies but I am intrigued. Are you planning on going through with some training for being a medium? If this is something that does not scare you and you are wanting to learn about, you totally should go for it since you do seem to be a "beacon of energy" that draws spiritual entities (positive and negative it seems) towards you. None of mind have been negative or at least too negative. I do have some similarities with deceased friends and relatives reaching out or showing their presence to me ( smell, visually, sound, chills mainly). One day I will document all of it.

Freak Show

Active Member
I read your "My Story" post. I find it very interesting. I did not read through the comments and replies but I am intrigued. Are you planning on going through with some training for being a medium? If this is something that does not scare you and you are wanting to learn about, you totally should go for it since you do seem to be a "beacon of energy" that draws spiritual entities (positive and negative it seems) towards you. None of mind have been negative or at least too negative. I do have some similarities with deceased friends and relatives reaching out or showing their presence to me ( smell, visually, sound, chills mainly). One day I will document all of it.

i get the same thing, smells, chills. this morning i smelled cherry. last week i smelled leather and i work in a records room in a prison, so there's no reason for me to smell that. a couple days before that it was peppermint. I'm going to try and get the training. i figure if i can help people that maybe in some way it will help me to understand the big question of why me.. the comments are from me and two other people talking about what's been going on. i see new things every day, some of which are very hard for me to comprehend as to why they are appearing to me. i've never been very religious, but i am seeing some very religious things. i believe i'm supposed to do something with all of this, so i guess i should.
