Supposed ISIS Video Shows U.S. “Accidentally” Dropping Weapons to Terrorist Fighters?


Think outside the mind
With almost three quarters of a million views on YouTube, this video that purports to show the United States forces “accidentally” dropping weapons and supplies to ISIS warriors has definitely gained traction. Is it authentic? Well, as is all too often the case with these things, there is little or no way for the average layperson to determine whether the video is authentic, but there aren’t any glaring problems with it either. Assuming the video is real, there are two possible explanations for it. Depending on which side of the propaganda bandwagon you happen to reside on probably determines how you perceive what you are seeing.
For those of the ISIS persuasion, it probably looks like a small victory as they believe they have intercepted weapons that the United States dropped for others that are supposed to be fighting ISIS. But many in conspiracy circles believe that the United States might be dropping these weapons on purpose. That may seem crazy at first glance, but many believe that the United States and the powers-that-be on the international stage want ISIS to continue to flourish, leading to a real, full-scale war in the future. So, basically, you have to decide between whether you believe there is a massive conspiracy and the United States is secretly supplying its supposed enemy with weapons and supplies, or whether the United States is just really bad at making sure the weapons it is dropping land in the right hands.
Which one makes you feel better?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy

Sam Slagg

With almost three quarters of a million views on YouTube, this video that purports to show the United States forces “accidentally” dropping weapons and supplies to ISIS warriors has definitely gained traction. Is it authentic? Well, as is all too often the case with these things, there is little or no way for the average layperson to determine whether the video is authentic, but there aren’t any glaring problems with it either. Assuming the video is real, there are two possible explanations for it. Depending on which side of the propaganda bandwagon you happen to reside on probably determines how you perceive what you are seeing.
For those of the ISIS persuasion, it probably looks like a small victory as they believe they have intercepted weapons that the United States dropped for others that are supposed to be fighting ISIS. But many in conspiracy circles believe that the United States might be dropping these weapons on purpose. That may seem crazy at first glance, but many believe that the United States and the powers-that-be on the international stage want ISIS to continue to flourish, leading to a real, full-scale war in the future. So, basically, you have to decide between whether you believe there is a massive conspiracy and the United States is secretly supplying its supposed enemy with weapons and supplies, or whether the United States is just really bad at making sure the weapons it is dropping land in the right hands.
Which one makes you feel better?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
I don't believe you can make such a judgment based upon this one incident. To do so would indeed amount to nothing more than conspiracy theory, which is one of the most effective methods for introducing disinformation.
