The ‘Baby Bigfoot Video’ from New York


Think outside the mind
Today we are remembering the “baby Bigfoot” video taken in Lembo Lake Park, New York.

In 1997, Doug Pridgen accidentally captured footage of what appears to be a hominid hanging from a branch of a tree. Pridgen, his wife and friends were camping attending a festival when they captured the oddity.

In 2003, claims Pridgen, he was reviewing the video when he first noticed the animal in the background. He contacted a researcher known as the Sasquatch Detective and provided additional information about the controversial images.

The Lembo Lake Park did not admit pets of any kind inside the premises. New York state does not allow the possession of primates.

Real or hoax? Write your thoughts on the comment’s section, right below the YouTube video.

The post The ‘Baby Bigfoot Video’ from New York appeared first on Cryptozoology News.
