The Bible as a primer on time travel?


New Member
Re: The Bible as a primer on time travel?

Timelessness is... somehow.. lost after birth sometime, since I'm not there yet I may suggest but not solidify that it's somewhat regained in seniority. One could think of it as the transitional periods between human existance and other existance. But then again... why a mid-life crisis? It seems the very point of mid-life is some cause for it, eh...
What we work off now and always is a system of higher, lower values. Who's to say one isn't scaling this all wrong when suggesting that kids know nothing, yes, it's true, their heads aren't crammed with knowledge. Of course as children they understand that they're picking up something their parents and the world left to them.
Let me say, we shouldn't make the world any sicker, but "shoulds" won't convince those who see a pointless life.
Wether an adult wants to be or not, said person is too receptive while driving to ignore how the child is stressing the importance of the words same person said as a child perhaps. A cause of irritation or amusement to adults and a follow up response of some seemingly irrelevent noise by the child
It's interesting to consider life in time to each number we count. Numbers and words are notorious liars and always trip up on themselves eventually along with the ever constant uncertainty factor. We say now we're in the year 2005 but in actual years.. all the way to seconds and smaller.. we never knew where to start counting.


Senior Member
Re: The Bible as a primer on time travel?

Millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of years ago.....

Children are very much the tabula rasa, still 'close to heaven' as it were. Unworldly, full of unrestrained unconditional love. Luckily, we get to go back to that state of consciousness when we leave here with the additions of all our experiences.

The main reason that we do not, or mostly are not allowed to 'come with' all our experiences from our past incarnations is there would be no reason to take the test if you have all the answers in your pocket. One of the very best types of evidence for reincarnation are child 'prodigies' in music.
