Debate the Colin Kaepernick Saga


Senior Member
We can agree that we have certain rights in this country...but is expressing them wrong in certain instances? I think this guy is a dork and should go to Syria and see if things are any better there. The tradition is to stand...not sit or kneel. He should be thankful for all the money he is making...I would boo him if he comes to town. This whole thing upsets me...any thoughts here?



Senior Member
I believe in freedom of speech, but Colin Kaepernick spit in the face of all the men and women in our military who go out every day and sacrifice their lives for us. His actions are those of a coward who refuses to fight for us and then has the temerity to insult those who protect us. Traitors like him should not be allowed in a stadium until they learn proper decorum. It's like someone laughing at a funeral, a complete lack of respect for those who died for this country.



Senior Member
He was wearing socks that displayed police as cartoon pigs. This is a typical social justice warrior. He expects NFL to keep him although his is poor at playing his game. However, if a white person dare says the n-word they fire him in one sec. Yeah, he can say what ever he wants every single day with zero consequences. I am sure that if I wore some socks that showed police as pigs they would fire me. He gets away with angering fans and disrespecting america.

Colin Kaepernick Was Wearing Socks with Cops Pictured as Pigs During Training Camp

Colin Kaepernick: my pig police socks 'shouldn't distract from the real issues'


BTW, ebay is selling the infamous
Colin Kaepernick socks
Colin Kaepernick - Police Pig Socks - White NEW

Colin Kaepernick
