"The Conscientious Objector": Incredible documentary about Desmond Doss, A real Hero


Senior Member

"The Conscientiousl Objector" is a documentary about Desmond Doss, an Army medic who refused to carry or use a weapon in WW II because of God's Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill". Desmond Doss single-handedly brought 75 wounded troops to safety while under constant fire on Okinawa on May 5, 1945. President Truman awarded him the Medal of Honor on October 12, 1945.

This is an incredible story! I watched it last night on KTBN TV. It's a must-see, better than Forest Gump!

Sorry I can't post the full movie, but you can see it (for a 72-hour pass for .99 cents) on Youtube HERE.

Visit the Website: Watch a Trailer at The Conscientous Objector
