The Earth Stop Spinning


Junior Member
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Daniel 9:24-27

When did Earth's core stop spinning?
2009 every 70th years

They studied earthquakes mostly from between 1995 and 2021 and found that the inner core's super-rotation had stopped around 2009.
Scientists our planet's solid core which is separated or because of its composition, from the rest of the earth's layers may actually have stopped rotating and could even reverse course this is a new study was published Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience and its authors who are based in Beijing took a very close look.

Seismic waves from earthquakes earth studies have passed through our planet since the 1960s, so they were able to calculate the speed at which the inner core is spinning.

the earth layers.
The stability of the earth
roughly every 70 years or so, the center of the earth reverses and shifts backward.

The earth's core layers are divided into the crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core.
The molten material that surrounded the core was the early mantle. Over millions of years, the mantle cooled.
Water trapped inside minerals erupted with lava volcano eruption, a process called “outgassing.” As more water was outgassed, the mantle solidified.

The inner core this is spending by a liquid outer core which in turn creates the mantle, when a new mantle is created it pushes out the mantle as the earth spins, that's already when the chamber magma is full, spews out the magma chamber, that's already full, which causes volcano eruptions this increase of Geo activity into the atmosphere, courses extreme weather.
the years 2023 and beyond as predicted

What does this mean in a biblical sense?
In Daniel 9:24-27 the prophecy of Seventy Weeks is Seventy years
Daniel 9:24 Seventy years, every seventy years the earth stops its process.
Daniel 9:27 seven weeks are seven years.
Matthew 24: 21 is the seven years of tribulation.
which in Daniel's prophecy

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End result and major shift, extreme weather, and bad grades :oops:
