"The Elevator Ritual", a terrifying way to get to another world using an elevator


Junior Member
For some time now, there has been an urban legend circulating in Asia that if you get into an elevator and perform specific actions, you can go straight to hell. As in every legend, there is a grain of truth in this one. Many people connect "The Elevator Ritual" with the extremely mysterious death of Elisa Lam, a 21-year-old student from Vancouver, Canada. But let's start from the beginning.
"THE ELEVATOR RITUAL" INSTRUCTIONS First, you need to find a ten-story building and then take the elevator to the designated floors:
third floor eighth floor ground floor second floor fifth floor
When the player is on the fifth floor, a young woman gets into the elevator. The instructions forbid you from looking at her, much less talking to her. Unfortunately, it is not what it seems. However, you need to press the button for the first floor and wait to see what happens. If the elevator starts going to the tenth floor (instead of the first), you can continue the ritual. However, if he takes the unfortunate person to the selected first floor, you should immediately put your feet up and do not look back. However, if the elevator takes the player to the tenth floor and the only people left in it are the player and the mysterious woman, know that you have entered another world. So far, few people have managed to survive the ritual. A select few said that they felt the smell of sulfur coming from behind the elevator, saw a sea of blood and felt terrible, even panicky fear.
DEATH BY "THE ELEVATOR RITUAL" The urban legend of a haunted elevator has been linked to the death of Elisa Lam for some time. There is an assumption that the student wanted to test the theory about "The Elevator Ritual" and get to another world using the elevator. At the end of January 2013, Elisa checked into the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. The first hours of her stay did not herald the coming tragedy, but on the third day the young woman began to see and hear disturbing things, including predictions of her own death. The footage from the industrial camera in the elevator is the last one to show the girl alive. You can see him pressing buttons in a strange way, entering and leaving the elevator several times (strangely, the doors remain open - although they should close automatically), making movements with his hands and talking to an invisible interlocutor.
2 weeks later, Elisa Lam's body is found in one of the 4 water tanks on the roof. An interesting fact is that no outsiders were allowed on the roof. The autopsy results showed no signs of murder, nor of drugs or other substances.
