The Magick of Theurgy and the Mechanics of Summoning Spirits, Entities, and Demons to Visibiliity


The word magician in this context refers to all practitioners of mystical arts from all traditions. Isaac Bonewits in his book real magick defined magick as: a series of rule of thumb techniques designed to create change in the internal or external environment. I will not cover the techniques themselves but the mechanics behind all magickal techniques involving theurgy.

If I'm not mistaken from an eso-anthroplogic stand point summoning in most cultures known to summon and work with spirits can have a vast array of techniques and methods. Some of the methods that I have noticed are not necessarily uniform but quite similar in nature, whereas others are almost completely alien to each other. The root seems to be the altering of the consciousness to a state receptive to alternative planes of existence.

The ritual serves a duel purpose one is to build upon associations through symbolism within the awareness of the magician and the other is to subdue the skeptical aspects of the left brain through the use of geometric representation to aspects of the universe that makes mathematical logical sense such as symbols which represent universal truths of nature. Some of these include the spiral or pentagram both representations of the golden ratio, the pattern of the flower of life (kabalistic tree of life) or the six-point star, the circle representing PI and again the Fibonacci sequence.

Also the natural dimensions we live in where time is represented and recorded in the movement of astronomical bodies such as the zodiac and constellational positioning in reference to the time of year of season cycles of the moon and through the records of the equinoxes procession. These points of reference in time always have an associated energy or thought form sometimes an anthropomorphic representation presented within a corresponding allegorical mythology sometimes dramatized. Some refer to these as currents with form.

When the magician has given logical reasoning enough to the left-brain to be in agreement with the creative right brain and the proper altered state of consciousness is gained a sort of synesthstesia occurs. The barrier of perception is penetrated and he can become aware of additional dimensions of reality that he is not normally aware of through the five conventional senses. He becomes aware of the dimensions within himself and becomes aware that what he perceives as his physical external reality is only a dimension of existence within him self.

Often times the symbols are layered with yet another meaning and it is that of the actual process through which the magician alters his consciousness to produce this unique state of perception.

The six-point star is another level of symbolism as it again represents the union of opposites just like the hermetic hermaphrodite. The very act of perceiving these dimensions is what and when the portals of these dimensions are opened. It is from these portals that the magician can begin to perceive the entity within his new realm of perception.
This altered state of consciousness can be achieved through meditation, some sort of narcotic or hallucinogen, or through the induction of trance and hypnotic state through repetitious and uniform chanting or through the use of sounds, beats, music and often dance. Although the overall goal is the same the process and particular form of altered state can be quite unique to each tradition and method. Modern mystery schools have been collecting an archive of techniques throughout the past few centuries.

Most modern day magicians have taken to a "whatever works" kind of attitude and through the tools of the internet this content has had an opportunity to rapidly evolve. What has become a "whatever works" culture is slowly becoming a "what works best?" Culture. With the introduction of modern science and the magical culture being capable of embracing it and evolving together. As quantum science has begun to reveal to us the collapse of the wave function, it's relation to time, light, and perception.

What is happening on the quantum level and why by most accounts rituals when performed correctly work to create the expected change? This seems to be the question many (new school) magicians are currently attempting to answer in order to discover what exactly will maximize results.

The process of ascension seems to me to be mankind's walk to a type of being that more frequently uses certain parts of it 's mental processes that it has developed through it's evolution to lead us to where we are today. Much of this phenomena such as instinct, synchronization as that seen in flocks of birds and schools of fish, The recently discovered one hundredth monkey phenomena and many more. All this leads us to believe that there is far more to our existence than the world previously had conceived of.

It would not be inconceivable that this in our brains such as seen in more primitive creatures would be more developed in a more developed nervous structure. As many birds are thought to be able to see magnetic fields it isn't out of the realm of possibility that a human could also and some people have claimed that they could see fields around everything they see, in the occult this is known as the Aura. This is just one example of the mystery getting close to being solved. Is it any wonder that in some grimoires we see words such as experiment, this is because that is exactly what it is.

With the introduction of studies in the effects of ELF waves on the brain and how the brain emits waves of its own that resonate with certain thoughts or concepts; the mechanics of telepathy are beginning to be revealed. The human race is waking up and becoming open to new ideas, possibilities, and ways of thinking. There is however many who are still in the grips of fear, superstition, and insecurity in the validity of ones belief system.

Which leads to strife when confronted with another belief system that threatens the validity of ones own. Modern magick has a tendency to not fall into this pit of despair simply because many magicians so not see other magical systems or pantheons of deity any less valid than those of his own. He cannot disprove the validity of the system but also has no desire to; he understands in his mind that magick is the constant force of creation affecting change at every moment. And any other system is basically the same as his yet with a different flavor, different names and different theatrical presentation or allegorical dramatization representing his process of spiritual growth.

He seeks to gain a greater understanding of the aspects of existence that are in relation to those things non material and not readily available with our five senses or functions of mind and ways of thought within the waking conscious state. We can see the same process happening when we examine the placebo effect.

The individual believed the sugar pill was amoxicillin and so he recovered from his toothache. In magick we see this happening on the quantum and conscious sense when actual life changing events occur that are beyond the scope of coincidence and enter the realm of serendipity, synchronicity (Carl Jung) An A causal Connecting Principle, or miraculous healings that actually happen in real time. One has to ask the question are we stepping on Schrödinger's cat? Because it hasn't screamed yet.

If it all has to some how connect to all possibilities collapsing on to either the most likely or in the direction of the observation of its probability. And is some how connected to quantum physics and chaos theory. One has to ask, how much of this function is taking place within the subconscious? What involvement is the servo mechanism mentioned by (Dr. Maxwell Maltz) in his book Psycho-Cybernetics have in connection with, or play a role in the initialization, operation, conclusion, and results of a ritual, and is this the working machine within the brain that connects us to the quantum probability fields that would influence events or effect change in the environment some how have a mechanism as well or would it simply be the same mechanism? Be it in a ritual of speaking to spirits or a ritual of manifestation for a particular outcome of events.

What components are becoming active and how can the initialization of those components be replicated refined and optimized to achieve optimal desired outcome? We know that through meditation, psychology, and neurology we have come to be aware of the mind's state and it's corresponding brain wave frequencies, which altered states are used for which activities, and the most effective means of achieving those states. Some may say that thaumaturgy is hacking synchronicity and that theurgy is hacking the perception barrier. I would have to say I disagree. I am of the belief that this is a natural process and hardwired into our DNA that is made up of proteins made up of quantum particles in a mathematical universe.

Could this have something to do with how humans and all animals are connected to a cosmic matrix of sorts mentioned in the CIA remote viewing training manual?
Lets take theurgy for a second into consideration as well. What is the origins of the beings invoked?

There is a vast array of spirits demons angels gods ghosts, and entities all seeming to be sentient and of it's own mind of independent thought and creating change in the environment. There are theories of this within the magical community as well based upon the answers given by some, that some entities claim to have been living beings at some point and others claim to be immortal and birthed at the dawn of time., others claim to be eternal having no beginning and no end, while still some beings say things like we come from the light or the void or the center, and some say things even stranger still.

Is the magician simply speaking to some part of his own mind or is the entity completely separate and independent consciousness? There would be only one way to know and that is to say that individuals participating in the same ritual would have the same experiences and although it is reported to occur rather frequently it does not occur every time and this I believe could be because the other individual is not in the exact frame of mind as the other and then there are instances of individuals having the same experience with the same entity and even hear the same words spoken by the entity yet it appears to both in completely different forms.

We therefore cannot assume that an entity is, or is not having a form subject to perceptional norms. So then the question to ask is an entity an independent consciousness, or is it a creation of the magician's own consciousness and if it is independent can it decide how you perceive it? I would say yes based on the accounts of those that claim to have had such experiences.


Is it true that it's bad to summon demons and they will start hunting you and your family once they are brought up from the other side?


Is it true that it's bad to summon demons and they will start hunting you and your family once they are brought up from the other side?

The thing to understand about demons is that they are more like us. They love those that love them and hate those that hate them.
When most people think of demons they think of Christian devil's. However most Christian devil's are ancient gods that the Christians knew existed and had power in the worlds but since it contradicts the belief system of Christianity they called it of the devil. Christianity has pretty much labeled everything not Christian as demonic which is incorrect.
When we talk about demons in the modern sense as magicians we view all entities as some sort of spirit. Spirits can be good natured or irritable it all depends and for most magicians it's like calling a person. You know you are not going to call up Charles Manson for relationship advice right? Similarly you would not call up spirits known to be unstable.
Many types of spirits fall into the demon category. The thing to remember is there are several levels to the spirit world and they all correspond to ways of thinking.
The demons that most magicians work with are from a mid to low level world much like earth with similar philosophy such as an eye for an eye.
Where as the higher levels where you find saints, ascended masters, and angels etc. The philosophy is more forgive and forget because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Magicians work with the demons because they understand our world energy and that the physical needs are important for us to be ok here. Where as angels are only concerned with your spiritual welfare. You could die from starvation in absolute poverty and homelessness and that would be just fine with your angels so long as you are spiritually ok.
Demons know that you don't want to starve to death. They are willing to help with material needs more so than higher level beings.
The main thing is you have the hierarchy of needs. You are going to have a hard time evolving spiritually if you have to meet your physical needs by using up all your time working, paying bills, generally using all your faculties to support yourself then when and where do we have the needed time and solitude needed to develop and strengthen our psychic abilities? We don't, and that's the point. But that's for another discussion.
(Don't you eat that fruit from that tree now!)
But to clarify if you call a demon and piss it off by being disrespectful then yeah it will come after you same way a person will.


Just to throw this out there let's look at the book of Job. In it you have a man who has everything and praise God because of it. The devil bets God that if you take away all his blessings he will curse you for it. And so god allows the devil to destroy Job's life take his house wealth and kill his family. Well at the end Job does curse God. Which shows that.....strangely enough the devil beats God in this case. The devil won the bet!!! Job however has a change of heart and worships god again. But God never gives him back his property or loved ones. Sounds like a sore loser to me eh? The story is a clear indication that the devil has a better understanding of the nature of man than his own creator. But then again if you look in Genesis it said, and let (us) make man in (our) image said the Elohim. In Hebrew im at the end of a word is plural meaning more than one. So how many gods do the Jews have? I thought it was monotheistic right? I guess not. The entire Hebrew religion is based off a mishmash of middle East religions including ancient Egyptian. And the historical events may have not even actually happened.


Thanks for the detailed explanation. So as long as I don't piss them off I'll be fine.
I intend ti summon a spirit ir a demon to help me change the past. Do you know any spirit that have the ainility to control time? Can you teach me how to summon them?


Chronos, Baal, Brahma, are all gods that represent time so any of those might do it. I have never tried to ask an entity to change history for me so I don't know if it will work or not chronos might say something like.....No, instead make better decisions in the future. But who knows. And yes I can teach you to summon entities.


I do so much typing mistakes. Glad that You understand what I wrote.

Yes, please teach me how to do it and how to communicate with them.
I bought something that can be used for magick. Like candles, enscens and stones. Maybe they will help me summon the spirit?


Just keep in mind that the candles, stones etc. Are for you and not the spirit. They are to help you (get in the zone) to be able to communicate.
