The 'Most Real' (Paranormal(?)) Encounter I've Ever Experienced.


Junior Member
Hello everyone 🙂

It's been quite a while now, and I've had many things happened in my part here this past six months.

Some of those things reminded me of a certain experience I've been through, many years ago that I'd like to share with you all now.


This story, based on what I'd claimed as 'a true event', although as you all might have suspected-like in most (if not all) encounter cases in this department, I'm afraid I don't have any evidence I can really give you to back up my claim 🙂


It was one cloudy evening at around 07.30 pm on 2007, and I was on my way home from work as a warehouse supervisor for an Indonesian National Toll Road electronic devices sub-contractor company.

At less than 3 km away from the bus stop, my house was actually no longer too far away, I could've walked the rest of my way home easily and it'd only took me another 30 minutes tops in my physical condition at the time.

But since it was such a cloudy evening, not to mention it was also on the rainy season, I knew it was only a matter of time before rain could all of a sudden poured from the sky above and I was in no a particularly good mood to get wet.

And so I decided to take another public transport to get home instead.

In Indonesia, we have this kind of type public transport called 'angkot' for short distance travels. It is kind of share taxi, transit service type, vehicle thing.

The word 'angkot' itself stands for [ANG]kutan > angkutan, means 'transport' in English and [KOTa] > kota, means 'city' in English.
So angkot means 'city transport'.

An angkot is usually a small van designed to carry up to 15 Indonesian average adult-sized passengers, or 16 people in total, with the driver.

That'd be 2 people on the front seat next to the driver's seat, and 1 person sitting right behind them, on top of one person seat right above the engine, facing toward the back of the angkot.

Then 7 people sitting on the long seat right behind the driver's seat, knee to knee with the last 5 people sitting on the shorter seat in front of them.

Like I said; 15 passengers at maximum.

Near the bus stop where I got off the bus at the time, I saw this one angkot parked on the side of the road, waiting for passengers.

Actually I could have waited a bit longer and there'd be another angkot which was not taking turns to wait for the passengers like the parked one, that I could take. It'd be faster that way for me to get to my house.

But since I wasn't in a hurry, I decided to take the parked angkot instead. Besides, I still had my morning newspaper to read whilst waiting for the angkot to depart.

There was already another passenger inside at the time, sitting on one end of the 7 persons' seat, right behind the driver's seat.

It was a girl that looked like a college girl with short haircut, wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt with long sleeves covered by unbuttoned light brown vest, with a pair of black canvas shoes, and a unique necklace.

I said unique because I've never seen a necklace like that before, but I assumed it to be a Kalimantan (Borneo) tribal-styled necklace.

As I entered the angkot, I took a glance at her and I saw her to be such an attractive and very beautiful young lady.

But since she seemed busy with her own thoughts and didn't even look back at me, I didn't bother myself to nod my head or even smile to her-it'd be something we normally do for courtesy reason in Indonesia, by the way.

Instead, I took my seat-on the same seat with her, a bit to her left, and started to read my morning newspaper.

As other passengers entered the angkot one after the other, I was slowly shifted myself to the right, closing the distance to the college girl, and I ended up sitting with my shoulder against hers.

Again, please don't be mistaken, sitting with our shoulders against each other is a common thing to happen when you're travelling in an angkot.

Besides, I did it on purpose so I could reached for the exit doorway quickly when I need to get out of the angkot upon it's arrival in front of my house, since the doorway was then practically right in front of my sitting position.

But...just when my shoulder made contact with hers, I noticed something was off almost immediately.

I didn't wear any jacket to cover my short sleeved blue working uniform shirt and she was wearing a rather thin shirt with long unrolled sleeves.

So when my right side made contact with her left side and some part of my bare right hand touched her thin sleeve covered left hand, I could have sworn that I felt her hand to be almost as cold as ice.

But as other passengers were then coming in like one after the other, I didn't really pay any attention to it and more busy of giving way to the new passengers to get to their seat instead.

Then just when I thought the angkot had already been full by 15 passengers sitting inside, including me and the literally cold-bodied beautiful young college girl, the driver took a peek inside through the doorway, and counted the numbers of the passengers sitting in the back of the angkot.

Guess what...?

When he counted the numbers of the passengers that were sitting on the 7 persons' seat, he stopped counting with his finger pointing at me and said "6".

I couldn't believe my own ears, as I have also counted it myself; with me and the college girl, there were 7 passengers sitting on that seat already.

I even counted it twice, so I was as sure as I have only one head sitting above my shoulders, there were 7 passengers already, sitting on this seat and no less!

And what was with him, stopped counting with his finger pointing at me, like there was noone else sitting to my right??

At first, I thought the driver was pulling a prank on me, for an unknown reason. Heck, I didn't even know him.

But then I realized that he didn't try to be funny or anything when he grabbed and pushed another passenger into the angkot, with his eyes fixated on me as if he was pissed to see me like I refused to move more to my right to give one more passenger enough space to sit.

Well, it wasn't like I refused but...

I was about to sound a complain and tell him to count again-carefully, but the driver has already moved away from the doorway and calmly said something like; "just push him aside so he'd move his *ss", like he was very, very sure that he didn't screw with his counting.

I saw his 'last' passenger to be a woman, a few years younger than me, in her blue, factory worker uniform.

For your information, blue was the commonly used color for most factory/office workers uniform in my area.
The only way to tell who's working where when we're wearing our blue uniforms is by seeing the different small company logos embroidered on the upper left chest section of our uniforms.

The factory worker lady then politely- and wearily, asked me to move 'a bit to the right' to give her the space she needed to sit, like she didn't even aware that I already sat with my right shoulder tightly pressed to the college girl's left shoulder.

Seeing her blue uniform, I sighed as my comradeship feeling kicked me on the inside. I did realize a fact that like many of us average workers, she could just had a long or bad day at work (or even both) and I'd be a total *ss if I refused her a seat.

So I gave up and moved, but instead of moving myself to my right and pushing myself against the college girl (who didn't say a word even when things have gotten weird like that) even more, I moved forward.

Thus, when the angkot was finally departed, I ended up sitting with only half of my *ss was actually on the edge of the seat, if you know what I mean, in order to give the factory worker lady, as the 'last' passenger, her rightful sitting space.

During the otherwise short travel, I noticed a fact that no passenger seemed to be aware at all that there were 8 people sitting on a 7 persons' seat.

Matter of fact, I had this very strong feeling that they didn't even see the college girl to my right.

I was of course curious as to what was actually happening and who or what was exactly the cold bodied college girl, and slowly turned my head to her direction, to try to look directly at her, who seemed to be sitting completely still and silence at all time, in fact, I think I've never felt her to move-at all.

But all of a sudden I stopped turning my head upon looking at the front backmirror as I realized that while it was true that she didn't move, she was actually looking directly at me through the mirror, like she looked at me like that for a long time already.

Come to think of it, I also realized that her head has always been turned to the right eversince the first time I saw her. That was why at first I thought she was busy with her own thoughts.

To tell the truth, I didn't know how I felt when I saw the beautiful college girl stared at me with her true cold and sharp unblinking eyes, and her thin lips thightly shut.

It was like she gave me a warning shot to not even try to mess with her.

Not to mention, I saw her beautiful face in that mirror to be very pale, like there was no blood in there at all.
I didn't think she looked to be like that pale at all when the first time I saw her, only minutes before.

And I guess it was more out of respect instead of scared, when I decided to not push my attempt to directly looked at the college girl and decided to look another direction and acted 'normally' like the rest of the other passengers as if there was nothing ever happened.

Yet, I couldn't help but feeling pretty sure the college girl kept staring at me through the backmirror for the rest of my way home, all the while she didn't move her ice cold body, at all. Not even slightly; she was like a statue made of flesh.


I stood still alone at the side of the road in front of my house, as the angkot that brought me there moved away in the dark of the night, smoking my newly lit cigarette in total silence as the night wind blew the leaves of nearby bamboo trees.

Then I risked a last long glance at the angkot as it moved further away from me, wondering if the college girl was still sitting on her seat or standing somewhere near me, completely still and in silence.

Although it only lasted in the matter of seconds, I couldn't help but strongly felt that she was still staring at me, be it from far away or nearby.

Either way, I put my cigarette on the ground, in such a manner and position that enabled it to be burned off by itself if there was nothing to disturb it.

An offering...

A token of unspoken greet and acknowledgement. A final thanks for not disturbing me.

Please forgive me, this cigarette is all I have with me at the moment...

I didn't feel her to be a victim that fell to this road.
Nope, she was something else...

Just please don't follow me home...


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it 🙂
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Senior Member
Ghosts don't take up space physically, so is this a zombie?


Senior Member
Ghosts don't take up space physically, so is this a zombie?

Ghosts can manifest, truth be told i do not know how these full body ones do like this, but theres millions of stories of ghost manifesting in full form and interacting with individuals, i my self have been touched more than once by a spirit, i use to have photos of a friend who had finger prints on her ankle from a spirit she felt.

But there are a lot of examples of this, Resurrection Mary is the biggest that comes to mind, people felt the door close and someone sit in the car, and even interact with the spirit.

You hear these stories a lot more in the middle east and Asia specially Japan where full body apparitions appear.

Only my .2 cents who knows if it is real or not, but it does read well!


Senior Member
Ghosts can manifest, truth be told i do not know how these full body ones do like this, but theres millions of stories of ghost manifesting in full form and interacting with individuals, i my self have been touched more than once by a spirit, i use to have photos of a friend who had finger prints on her ankle from a spirit she felt.

But there are a lot of examples of this, Resurrection Mary is the biggest that comes to mind, people felt the door close and someone sit in the car, and even interact with the spirit.

You hear these stories a lot more in the middle east and Asia specially Japan where full body apparitions appear.

Only my .2 cents who knows if it is real or not, but it does read well!
I've been clawed by something invisible, but it could not apply real pressure in the physical world.
