Thoughts on UFO disclosure?


BlastTyrant, it's a good explanation. I too believe they might be here for good but who knows about their evil intentions as well. Both sides taken. There is a theory, hundred thousands of years ago when we were into stone age not apes but just when we started out agriculture and breeding, they were here and just in next thousand years we suddenly transformed into erect humans but the scientist say it was just a short period of time in which we transformed into humans which is impossible when looked into our evolutionary history.
The theory has it that we were genetically engineered by those beings, of course we were dumb apes they gave us brains if the theory is true. If they wanted to vanish us they could have taken a part of population with them on their planet and destroyed the rest of us or captivated us here done whatever they wished to but they let us grow here. Do they first give us brains and then want to harm us?
I think they don't even care to destroy us, they come from across the galaxy which stretches to millions of light years across. Just imagine they coming here from so far away just to concern about us and that to waiting for million of years in their generation to still visit us. May be it's not far for them(curve in space and time can be created to travel to other part of the galaxy or to other galaxy without travelling at the speed of light) but again there are many life supporting planets out there in-case they are greedy about resources and oceans, i am sure they can find one if they can find us.


Junior Member
Sixty five years have passed since 1947. The world has exploded technologically and scientifically. We have made thousands of years worth of advancement in a matter of a century. I would happen to think if ET's were about destroying our planet or planning a hostile take over, the time would have been decades previous as we are now better equipped to defend and protect our planet.


Senior Member
Sam i could ask you the same, Why do you think Aliens are hostile and a threat to humans when leading experts such as Dolores Cannon say they are not a threat? And what if it turns out you are wrong? And my experiences were Alien abductions and that they only needed my help and in return gave me something greater?

I have told you in previous posts on other threads/blogs why I think they are a threat, and my deductions come from intense research on the matter...from abduction accounts. I have studied this subject for decades and I absolutely think they are a threat.

IMO, abductees who think aliens are not a threat are either deluded by the masked 'thoughts' given by aliens (which ETs are expert at), or just in denial.

The Reason for the Gov finally starting to start the Disclosure is they simply have no choice, the UFO phenominon is becoming far to large to hold anymore, Sightings are becoming far more common, there are more people who want to know the truth, and for all we know the Aliens them selfs are pushing for the Disclosure as well.

There have been mass sightings and abductions for decades. I don't believe this is the reason for disclosure.

Again, we must agree to disagree. But it will be interesting to find out the truth, and I hope someday it comes to light.


Senior Member
Well i assure you Sam i am not Deluded or in Denial and my personal opinions and beliefe is from many years of research into both sides of the story not just the dark side.


Well my personal view is as follows. This is assuming of course there are aliens that visit our planet.

Regardless of hybridization, probing or mind control, I believe they are watching us for a few reasons.

1. To ensure we don't develop interplanetary travel and wreak havoc on other star systems.

2. To study how our civilization evolves socially and physically. I'd imagine this gives insight into their earlier days of development.

3. Possibly to guide our development. Most likely through subtle/covert means.

4. Protect us from other more fiendish alien races/sects. There are likely malevolent species that are species that do us harm and would do greater harm if given the chance. We're the annunaki and Pharos of Egypt actually aliens that ruled our planet during shifted intergalactic of governance?

I think there is more than likely a governing alien body that has developed procedures on dealing with planets with intelligent life. I highly doubt they would allow direct involvement for various reasons. If so it is because there have been dire consequences in the past when doing so.

Given these thoughts there would more than likely be criteria that would allow us (earth) to enter into formal communication with this intergalactic government. Would it be technologically based? Perhaps we must show we are capable of long distance space travel or time space manipulation. Maybe it would be socially or spiritually based, showing an ability to live in peace with one another. It may be that the lost Mayan civilization reached this level and were invited to leave earth and learn the secrets of the universe. Which could explain its mysterious vanishing.

Anyway that is my current belief into why aliens are not landing on the white house lawn to meet the president. This is not based on hard facts just my thoughts given all I read and watch.


Senior Member
Sixty five years have passed since 1947. The world has exploded technologically and scientifically. We have made thousands of years worth of advancement in a matter of a century. I would happen to think if ET's were about destroying our planet or planning a hostile take over, the time would have been decades previous as we are now better equipped to defend and protect our planet.
IMO...Maybe we gave them something in return for the increased technology. We let them study us and do their thing...whatever... and we get the technology that the elites benefited from. Maybe the aliens were given, by us, the time of disclosure and or the time of conquest for whoever is not on the 'elite' list. They may be good aliens at heart, if the have a heart, but I don't know if I trust their leaders...sound familiar?


Junior Member
After reading through all the posts here it feels like everyone is thinking too one sided and not broader enough. I am of the opinion that there are dozens of alien races and factions actively involved with Earth right now and they could be perceived as good, bad and everything between those moralistic extremes. Some will see us as tiny primitive creatures or parasites leeching off our world contributing nothing to the greater universe. Others may see us as cute potential pets like how we treat our pets; cats, dogs birds etcetera. Then their are aliens that honestly admire and/or like us humans. I personally have been and still am in contact with one such type of alien. Their morals are indeed different than our own. I do not think we will ever have an official ufo disclosure event. Aliens from distant worlds are on this earth right now living among us and have been doing so for a lot longer that 65 years. More like 65,000 years at least. They just seem to keep out of most of our affairs. Some even live like us or try to at least. I think even some Hollywood movie and music stars are even secretly aliens. Just think how easy it would be to fit into society as an A Grade alien actor or musician. They could/can be as inappropriate and weird as they like and get away with it. I say people should focus on searching for the aliens living right here on Earth posing as humans.


After reading through all the posts here it feels like everyone is thinking too one sided and not broader enough. I am of the opinion that there are dozens of alien races and factions actively involved with Earth right now and they could be perceived as good, bad and everything between those moralistic extremes. Some will see us as tiny primitive creatures or parasites leeching off our world contributing nothing to the greater universe. Others may see us as cute potential pets like how we treat our pets; cats, dogs birds etcetera. Then their are aliens that honestly admire and/or like us humans. I personally have been and still am in contact with one such type of alien. Their morals are indeed different than our own. I do not think we will ever have an official ufo disclosure event. Aliens from distant worlds are on this earth right now living among us and have been doing so for a lot longer that 65 years. More like 65,000 years at least. They just seem to keep out of most of our affairs. Some even live like us or try to at least. I think even some Hollywood movie and music stars are even secretly aliens. Just think how easy it would be to fit into society as an A Grade alien actor or musician. They could/can be as inappropriate and weird as they like and get away with it. I say people should focus on searching for the aliens living right here on Earth posing as humans.
Well i agree to only one idea,there are different races of aliens. But when you say they disguise as a human being, sounds good only if i catch some disguised alien red handed. You can't say they are, they might be. But again how much sense does it make to stay back in this not so technological advanced planet. When you say" I personally have been and still am in contact with one such type of alien " ,what do you mean? How can an alien be in contact with you? I like to read genuine posts not fake once.
