Time-Hacking with computers and algorithms


New Member
To help clarify how to find files it is possible to take a sample of known files and using the weak and strong check-sums plot a line on a x,y chart. This line is called a regression line. Now, files that are like the files in the sample that I don't have their check-sums will be along that regression line. Now, when I don't have a sample of files to use I can take past regression lines that I have done and put them on a chart and move that line around up and down constructing random files until I find a file that is like the ones I want to find. Its like shooting in the dark but there is a method and madness to computer files and their check-sums. The secret is to get a regression line along a path on a chart that contains real computer files then construct those checlek-sums laying along the regression line. Here is a method to construct computer files without a binary counter.
0 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 16 = 26 This is a base power check-sum. No binary counter needed here to construct this.
1 2 4 8 16
2^1, 2^2, 2^3, 2^4
0 1 0 1 1
16 less than 26 so binary 1
26 - 16 = 10 and 8 is less than 10 so binary 1
8 - 10 = 2 so 2 is equal to 2 binary 1

In higher bases multiply the byte by its position in the number say (128 * (256 ^3)) + (60 * (256 ^ 4)) + (21 * (256^5) ...... = Check-sum

When decoding this at each place position take the highest possible byte and go down until the number is equal to or less than your current number. When you find the correct byte make sure to subtract it from the current number. Then repeat until the file is decoded.

Use a numerical base of 9999999999999999999 to do the math. Now use statistics to calculate the check-sums and use this algorithm to construct the files and your good. But you will have to learn how to use base math. To do what I do you need to be able to add subtract multiply and divide computer files as numbers. And you have to be able to do this in different numerical bases even if that numerical base goes unusually high. There is no computer file in space-time you can not find and get by doing this. A long time ago I started experimenting with this and I never took no for an answer that it could not be done even though people thought that it was just plain out crazy. And I have gotten very good at it over years. If you believe in something and no one else don't it is still ok to believe in it. That is how new science is discovered.

All computer files are is a list of numbers. So all one has to do to time travel with computers is get the list of numbers for a computer file belonging to a specific time-period. That period don't even have to have computers the file could be a video of that period even though in that time that video was never recorded physically.

This is because of the informational universe. In the informational universe all information exist whether or not it exist with matter or energy. Information can't be deleted it just changes from one form of information to another. It can't be deleted. It does not have to be physical to exist.

So hence the right combination of numbers in a computer file and you could be watching, reading, listening, or looking at something somewhere in space-time you did not expect to see. Like right now I am writing this and as far as I know there is no video of me being recorded. But in the informational universe there is a video of me writing this post.

So Time-Hacking is the process of using Statistics and check-sum hacking to search the informational universe. This is the best way I can explain it. And it is the most easiest way there is to time travel believe it or not.
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Senior Member
Very interesting, however you need something more than a series of numbers, IMHO..
Complete that series, then pass them through a Quantum Tunnelling System onto the information universe..


Active Member
Very intereesting thanks a lot. I have doing a similar approch with chaotic attractor simulated by numbers with an introduction of with noise ( random numbers) . I have started to programm a correlation counter, the same data, my goal was for telecommunication above long distance with just two computers and no signals (just a programm). I have not reach my goal but i have find interrestings thinks. Thank you !


Active Member
If you are interrested , that is the pseudo code:
Integer Clock ;
Integer chaoticNumber[2];
Integer whiteNoise

Main :
While ( true )
Clock == ComputerTime();
// the main idea is to introduce random number in the attractor :
ChaoticsNumbers[1]+= int (rand(100000)+1);
// Now we have number Close to the regression list you said but in real time
You just need to count the correlations. For that you need a second program run on parallel with treads.
If chaoticNumber xy of the first program = chaoticNumber of the second you have a correlation, if not calculate the distance between the two number. That give you the correlation table. It is statistics like you said

If the user type a message, you will see it by correlation changing.

You can travel trought inner earth core virtualy with that, because earth respond magneticaly, and a clock induce in computers an electromagnetic field that can interract with the magnetic field earth
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Active Member
A long time ago I tried an experiment with a text counter and email. I first used the counter to generate text in what was to be email messages to my hard drive but I did not read them. The next day I sent a simple email to myself within the parameters of the counter I was running. Then I searched my hard drive to see if that email had been previously generated on my hard drive before the message was sent.

Well it had been generated before the email was sent. This was a test to see if counters could be used to find messages from the future in the past. Since then I have come up with the algorithm that if A in the past and B in the future both know the weak check-sum range (a check-sum is a number representing a computer file.) of their messages to each other then both A in the past and B in the future can data mine a counter for their messages to each other through space-time.

Well, it gets way more advanced from there. Before that I came up with a numerical system based on Einstein's work and my own work with numerical systems where information is store in both time and space. It is called the Burris Numerical System and everyone can google it to read more about it.

Since then in my more advance work I use counters to find computer media which is a rather long complicated process. So complicated that when I try to explain it people's ears start to hurt so I will spare everyone.

So, I am reactor1967. My websight is http://timetravelinstitute.hiz that is where I keep the news to what I am doing and it also contains my blog and forum. I think of myself as a Arm Chair time traveler. My methods are things that can be done in the here and now instead of just talk and guessing. I get to do it for real.

I named my computer that I do my experiments on Time Travel One Station. I,ve been very busy lately so have not used it in a little while but when I can I will get back around too it. I used to run it all the time. Well, this was a me dropping by and saying hi. If all goes well I will be back in the future. If not I will be around.
Your website seems to be dead


New Member
Working on an updated version of similar methodology, but that uses a binary breakdown. It will have a predictable header and the footer will contain the time (only hour with am/pm indicator) and the date of the message. The application will include self-training with an hourly message sent to help train for correlation by also scanning in reverse simultaneously. The header will include index numbers for the transmissions that follow an incremental pattern. Planned 4-character (32 bits total) codewords will be used along with the aforementioned to perform an integrity check. There will also be planned codes between words to help with interpolation that can be converted to an image or visual pattern for confirmation. All of it self-learning, no less.
